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When a person's progress is evaluated using Goal Attainment Scaling their performance is scored on one or more scales with the values +2, +1, 0, -1 and -2, meaning "much better than expected", "better than expected", "expected", "not as well as expected" and "not nearly as well as expected" respectively.

If a person were to be evaluated on two scales then their score might be +1 on one scale and -2 on the other, in which case their overall score would be -1--in other words, just the sum of the two scores. You might find many ways of manipulating these total scores in the literature; however, in essence, GAS amounts to the scores on the individual scales plus the total of these scores.

There is no single 'Goal Attainment Scale' because the evaluation scales are made up depending on the needs of the person being evaluated. For example, a person with quite limited motor skills might be rated on their ability to climb steps in one scale, on their ability to take a drinking cup from a shelf in another scale, and on their ability to pour milk from a pitcher into a glass in another scale. Notice that the number of scales and the nature of the scales can vary.

Because the overall scale value is just a sum it is neither parametric nor nonparametric.

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