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The chance of heads the first time is 50%.
The chance of heads the second time is 50%.
The chance of heads the third time is 50%.
The chance of heads the fourth time is 50%.

The chance of all four is (0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5) = 0.0625 = 6.25 percent

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Q: Laws of chance What is the chance of flipping 4 heads in a row?
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1.525% in other words, NOT LIKELY

What is the possible outcome of flipping a coin?

Each time you flip a fair coin it has the same equal chance of landing on heads or tails. That is, even if you get (for example) 19 heads in a row, the next flip still has 50% chance of landing on tails (if the coin is fair).

What is the probability of flipping a coin and getting heads 7 times in a row?

i got 1/941192

What is the probability of getting 24 heads in a row when flipping a fair coin?

1 in 224, which is 1 in 16777216.

What is the probability of flipping 25 heads in a row?

The best way to think about this is the following way: What is the probability of flipping heads once? 1/2 What is the probability of flipping heads twice? 1/4 (1/2 * 1/2) Using this we can derive the equation to find the probability of flipping heads any number of times. 1/2n Using this we plug in 25 for n and get 1/225 or as a decimal 2.98023224 x 10-8 or as odds 1:33,554,432

If a die is rolled 3 times what's the chance of getting atleast one 6?

1/7776 50/50, or one chance in each set of three rolls. No matter how many times it's rolled, every roll is one in six. Just like flipping a coin. it's 50/50 heads or tails, even if you got 'heads' 20 times in a row the next flip will still be 50/50 chance of 'heads' again

What are the odds of getting heads six times in a row with a coin?

you have about a 42% chance for that to happen

What is the probability of the coin landing heads up twice and tails up one?

What is the chance of it landing on heads twice in a row?

What is the probability of obtaining tails six times in a row when flipping?

You have a 1 in 2 chance with one flip; so, 2 to the 6th power, or 1 in 2x2x2x2x2x2; a 1 in 64 chance.

What is the probability of obtaining exactly 4 heads in a coin?

About a 1 in 16 chance of getting a coin to land on heads 4 times in a row.

When a coin is tossed 7 times in a row what is the probability that heads comes up?

The chance is 3.5/7.