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3median - 2mean = mode

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Q: Mode of a moderately skewed distribution with the median and the mean given?
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Is the mean and median similar?

The Mean is the average of a given set of values. The Median is the value that has the same number of smaller values than the number of higher values, it is in the middle of them. In a symmetrical distribution the Mean is equal to the Median. In an asymmetrical distribution they have different value.

What is positional average?

Median is a positional average that gives the value located in the centre of the given statistical distribution.

Median formula for continuous frequency distribution?

If you will let me assume that the probability density function (pdf) is absolutely continuous over its support then the median is given as the integral from -inf to the median of the pdf over that support = 1/2.

How do you find the value of x in a trapezoid given the median?

Given the median and trapezoid MOPN, what is the value of x?

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What is the mode and median?

Both median and mode are the statistics formulas, Median is called mid value of the given data and mode is the value which occure repetedly in the given data.

What is need of skewing?

Skewing in mathematics deals with statistics and with the averages of a given set of numbers. When talking about skewing, the group of numbers is usually skewed to the left, meaning most of the data falls below the median, or to the right, making most of the data above the median. Skewing can be caused by pieces of the data being very high above or below the rest of the data.

What is median-median point?

It's the point for a set of points whose x-value is the median of all the given x-values and whose y-value is the median of all the given y-values. For example: (1,2) (2,1) (3,5) (6,4) (10,7) the median-median point would be (3,4)

Is A normal distribution is any distribution that is not unusual?

No, it is the name given to the Gaussian distribution.

How do you find the value of x that makes the median the given number?

32,23,15,30,12,X;the median+25

How skewness can effect on analysis of a study?

If the mean is greater than mode the distribution is positively skewed.if the mean is less than mode the distribution is negatively skewed.if the mean is greater than median the distribution is positively skewed.if the mean is less than median the distribution is negatively skewed. 18-226

How can you calculate median?

The median is the middle number of any given set when they are in order, least to greatest. If there is an even number of values, the median is the average of the middle two. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) The median is 20.