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Q: Probility of getting a sum of 8 on a pair of dice?
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What is the probability of getting the sum of 8 from a pair of dice?

It is 5/36.

What is the chance of a person rolling a pair of dice and getting a sum of four?

One out of six... or however many sides your dice have on it.

What is the probability of rolling the sum of two if you roll a pair of dice sixty times?

The probability of getting a sum of 2 at least once is 0.8155

What is the probability of getting either a sum of 7 or at least one 6 in the roll of a pair of dice?


What is he probability that the sum of a pair of dice when rolled is six?

If the dice are fair then it is 5/36.

What is the most like sum to be rolled on a pair of dice?


When rolling a pair of dice how many ways can you get a sum of 1?

count the number of times you get number 1, when you roll a pair of dice.. cheerio

If you had a pair of fourteen sided dice what would be your sample space also what is the probability that the sum of the numbers is twenty?

Partial answer: Assuming that the dice show the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... 14 on each die, and that the question refers to throwing both dice and getting the sum. The smallest sum is 2 and the greatest sum is 28. So the sample space is 2,3,4,...,28.

When you roll two dice what is the probability their sum is 2?

For a single roll of a pair of fair dice, the answer is 1/36.

A pair of dice are rolled What is the probability sum 12?

There is one way to roll a sum of 12. There are 36 different outcomes from rolling a pair of dice. Therefore, the probability is 1/36 ~= 0.0278 = 2.78%

What are the chances of getting a sum of 70 on two dice?

The probability is zero. The largest possible sum on two dice is 12.

What is the probability of tossing the sum of eleven with a pair of fair dice?

try it and see!