n is the sample size.
n is number of moles per unit length and N is number of moles.
Population size
n-1 means take the sample size and subtract 1 from it.
n is the sample size.
N. A. Weiss has written: 'Minitab supplement Elementary statistics' -- subject(s): Statistics
In statistics, n is usually used to mean the number of observations or measurements which you have. So n = 7 means you have 7 observations or meadurements.
a small glowing box helps me becum mur n mur stoopid
N. M. Idaikkadar has written: 'Agricultural statistics' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Statistical methods, Statistics
n is number of moles per unit length and N is number of moles.
Population size
N. N. Bogolyubov has written: 'A new method in the theory of superconductivity' 'Lectures on quantum statistics'
n-1 means take the sample size and subtract 1 from it.
whether you want to compare something, scale among others things, Ratio is of the utmost importance