The importance of statistics in you daily life can be seen in the decisions you make after interpreting data. For instance, you can know how much water to drink, how much food to eat and so much more.
n is the sample size.
n is number of moles per unit length and N is number of moles.
Population size
n-1 means take the sample size and subtract 1 from it.
n is the sample size.
N. A. Weiss has written: 'Minitab supplement Elementary statistics' -- subject(s): Statistics
In statistics, n is usually used to mean the number of observations or measurements which you have. So n = 7 means you have 7 observations or meadurements.
a small glowing box helps me becum mur n mur stoopid
N. M. Idaikkadar has written: 'Agricultural statistics' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Statistical methods, Statistics
n is number of moles per unit length and N is number of moles.
Population size
N. N. Bogolyubov has written: 'A new method in the theory of superconductivity' 'Lectures on quantum statistics'
n-1 means take the sample size and subtract 1 from it.
whether you want to compare something, scale among others things, Ratio is of the utmost importance