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Q: The subset of a population from which the researcher collects data is called?
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Related questions

How is sample related to population?

A population is the collection of all of the units of interest to a researcher. A sample is a subset of this collection that the researcher selects that is typically smaller than the population.

What is subset of a population called?

A Sample

Briefly explain the differences between a census and a sample survey?

Researchers define a "population" which consists of elements with defined characteristics. Example: All the matriculating students at Providence College. If the researcher studies the entire population as defined above, it is called a "census". If, on the other hand, the researcher takes a subset of the population, a sample, and studies it it will be a sample survey (or study in more general terms.)

What sentence is a true statement Is a sample a subset of the population or Is a population a subset of the sample?

A sample is a subset of the population.

What is a subset from a larger population?

in statistics a sample is a subset of population..

What is A subset of cases selected from a larger population called?

target group

What different between investigation and survey?

A sample survey is a method that obtains data from a subset of a population to estimate some attributes of that population. An experiment is a controlled study in which the researcher trys to understand cause-and-effect relationships.

How is a sample related to a population?

A sample is a subset of the population.

How is a sample different from a population?

The sample is a subset of the population.

A subset of a population selected to represent the population is a?


What is a subset of measurements from a population?

A sample

Is A sample is a subset of a population?

Yes it is.