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Q: This shape has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles?
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What shape has 3 sides and 1 right angle?

right angled triangle

What shape has three right angles?

I will rephrase your question as "What shape has only three right angles?" A shape is a 2D drawing that encloses some space. The sum of the angles must exceed 270 degrees. A rectangle is out of the question as it has four right angles. But a 5 sided shape with unequal sides (irregular pentagon) or higher number of sides is fine. I wish Wikipedia would let draw on these answers, because I could draw hundreds of shapes with three right angles. When we talk of shapes, the most regular shapes come to mind, triangles, squares, pentagons, etc. But you did not spcify that my shape had to have straight sides. Imagine, for example, a circle which I will break at three places and insert right angles. Weird, but it does have three right angles. Do the right angles have to face in towards the center? I could even draw a more bizarre shape with with three right angles facing out, connected by curved lines.

What Different types of shapes have 4 sides and two right angles?

Ah, isn't it wonderful to explore the world of shapes? Shapes with four sides and two right angles are called rectangles. They have opposite sides that are equal in length and parallel to each other, creating a balanced and harmonious shape. Embrace the beauty of geometry and all the amazing shapes it has to offer.

It does not have 4 sides All of its sides are equal All of its angles are acute?


What shape has four sides and four angles?

triangle in 3dQuadrilaterals in general have four sides and four angles. Rhombuses, trapezoids, parallelograms, squares, rectangles, and other similar shapes are included among these.

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What shape is a squashed square has 4 equal sides but no right angles?

A rhombus has four equal sides but no right angles.

What is a shape that has all equal angles and 4 congruent sides?

A shape with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides is a square. ==========================

What shape has 2 pairs of equal sides and 4 right angles?

what shape has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of equal sides?

What kind of shape has 4 equal sides with 4 right angles?

A square has 4 equal sides with 4 right angles.

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What shape has 4 sides with no right angles and no equal sides?

Trapezoid :)

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What is a shape that has two equal sides and four right angles?

A rectangle has two sets of two equal sides and four right angles.

A shape with 4 equal-lenth sides opposite sides parallel but no right angles?

A rhombus has 4 sides of equal length, opposing parallel sides, and no right angles

All angles are right angles but all sides are not equal?

You don't tell us enough information. In a square, there are four sides and four angles. The sides are all equal and the angles are all right angles. In a rectangle, there are four sides and four angles The opposite sides are equal and the angles are all right angles. There is no other shape in which all angles are right angles.

What shape has four equal sides but not all the sides are right angles?

A parallelogram.

Shape with 4 right angles and 2 pairs equal sides?

A square has 4 right angles, and 2 pairs of equal, perpendicular sides.