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Q: What are Greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood?
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With a blood alcohol level at 15 percent the relative risk of causing a collision is greater by nearly?

whith a blood alcohol level at .15%, the relative risk of causing a collision is greater by mearly?

What is the normal white blood cell count for an 18 year old male?

A normal white blood cell count for an 18 year old male is between 4,500 and 10,000 white blood cells per microliter. If you have low blood cells, it is called leukopenia.

is a blood sugar level of 115 considered high?

is 115 very high What is the average for blood sugar in a 80 yr old man “is a blood sugar level of 115 considered high?” is a blood sugar level of 115 considered high In my opinion a glucose level of 115 is "normal," that means within the accuracy of the glucose measurement, and within an acceptable range for good glucose control. A glucose level under 125 will do negligible damage to the small blood vesels in the retna and the feet. Is a blood sugar level of 243 high? 130was boderline for me as my dr.said No I don't believe that it is too high Depends on time of day and when what is considered a normal blood sugar level? is normal Is a blood sugar level of 120 considered high? Its 3:30 am My A1C test is 6.1 is that normal yes!ofcourse 115 is a normal sugar level what is considered as low sugar 115 is good for me, when my blood sugar drops to 84 or lower I become very weak and I feel better when my blood sugar is around 115

How much blood does a normal woman lose on her period?

Blood loss varies between individual women and from one period to the next. The amount of blood lost can be anywhere between spotting up to 80 cc. The average blood loss is estimated at 30 cc.

What does it mean to have a white blood cell count of 22000mm3?

A white blood cell count of 22000 mm3 is an elevation of white blood cells. This elevation of white blood cells could indicate infection or leukemia. When a test is not within normal limits, consult a physician as soon as possible.

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What is the yellow discoloration of the skin caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood is called?


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What waste product of normal breakdown of hemoglobin?

Bilirubin is a waste product of the normal breakdown of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is formed in the liver and then excreted in bile. When levels of bilirubin are high, it can cause jaundice.

What is a yellow discoloration of the skin caused by greater-than-normal amounts of bilirubon in the blood is known as?


What letters on a bolood tests represent bilirubin count?

The letters used to represent bilirubin count on a blood test are usually "T Bili" for total bilirubin and "D Bili" for direct bilirubin. Total bilirubin includes both direct and indirect bilirubin, while direct bilirubin specifically measures the amount that is conjugated and ready to be cleared by the liver.

What is the medical term meaning bilirubin in the blood?

The medical term for bilirubin in the blood is hyperbilirubinemia.

Which is increases levels of bilirubin in the blood?

Bilirubin is a pigment that is made by the liver and is found in bile. Certain diseases can cause high levels of bilirubin, such as a gallbladder infection, gallstones, cirrhosis, hepatitis, and pancreatic cancer.

What circumstance leads to higher than normal levels of bilirubin in newborn babies?

Before birth, an infant gets rid of bilirubin through the mother's blood and liver systems. After birth, the baby's liver has to take over processing bilirubin on its own.

What is the breakdown product of heme?

The breakdown product of heme is bilirubin. Bilirubin is produced when heme is broken down in the liver as a part of the normal process of recycling heme from old red blood cells.

How is a bilirubin specimen collected?

A bilirubin specimen is collected through a simple blood test usually performed by using a needle to draw blood from a vein in your arm. The sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis to measure the levels of bilirubin in the blood.

A red blood cell that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin is called?

A red blood cell that contains normal amounts of hemoglobin is called a normocytic red blood cell.

What are the pigments released by the liver in bile called?

From the glossary of medical terms the answer is: BILIRUBIN