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What event foreshadows that Genevieve will see what is behind the hedge

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Q: What are some examples of hypothetical experiments that resolves a claim about a proportion via a hypothesis?
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What are examples of hypothesis and its experimentation?

Hypothesis are guesses based on information.

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What are examples of experiment?

sometihing that has a hypothesis

Take few examples from daily life to explain the concept of inverse proportion'?

The more people there are to share a pizza, the smaller each person's portion will be. This is an example of inverse proportion - as the number of people increases, the size of each person's portion decreases. In traffic, as the number of cars on the road increases, the speed at which each car can travel decreases. This is another example of inverse proportion - as the density of cars increases, the speed of the cars decreases. Similarly, when watering plants, the more plants you have to water, the less water each plant will receive. This is an example of inverse proportion - as the number of plants increases, the amount of water each plant receives decreases.

What are examples of an hypothesis for a 5th grader?

you can ask several different hypothesis go to

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What are two examples of scientific method?

observation and hypothesis

What are some of the best examples of a valid hypothesis?

jag wayere

What are 3 examples of hypothesis in physics?

solid,liquid and gas

What are the 5 steps in designing an experiment?

In this order: -State the problem/ ask question -Form a hypothesis -Set up a controlled experiment -Record results - Analyze results -Draw a conclusion -Publish results

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