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Great question! Buying locally is an option that consumers are very privileged to have, and there are many benefits that come with it. When you buy locally, it cuts out the "middle man" that produces, transports, and prices your food. Locally grown food really is grown near you. Purchasing food within your area is stimulating and helpful to your community, being that you are buying from local farmers. As a consumer, when you buy these items, you know that you are getting the freshest possible food available. Have you ever have a tomato that was picked just 24 hours ago? It's delicious! Ultimately, eating locally grown food is not only beneficial to your health, it also lets you feel good about what you're putting on your plate.

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Q: What are the benefits of buying locally produced foods?
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Why is buying local healthier?

Buying locally isn't necessarily healthier for you. It is, however, healthier for the environment. By purchasing locally you are supporting your local farmers and reducing the distance that food must travel to get to your doorstep, decreasing its carbon footprint. Buying organic foods can be considered healthier as there are no foreign chemicals/preservatives used on the food. Buying local, organic food is the best of both worlds.

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I would suggest buying fun-looking foods that your child will find interesting as they eat. If they think that the foods look fun and entertaining they will be distracted by the looks of them and forget about the "yucky" health benefits.

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As consumers become more aware of additives in foods and the way animals are raised on factory farms. the demand for organic, free-range, and locally grown foods are increasing. Some people are also choosing organic foods to avoid GMOs in foods and the harmones and antibiotics that are given to animals because they believe organic foods are healthier.

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Organic foods have many advantages. Here are just a few:Health: Organic foods are produced without the use of pesticides that could cause serious illnessesGood for the animals: People who eat organic are happy to know the animals are not confined to a caged life, pumped full of hormones, or treated badly.Environmental Safety: Harmful chemicals are not used in organic farming, and there is minimal soil, air, and water pollution being produced. Also, many organic farmers donate/support causes to help save the planet.Better taste: Most people strongly believe organic foods taste better than non-organic foods. This could be because they are much fresher.Many people are realizing the many benefits/advantages of eating organic and are trying to do their part by buying some/most/all of their foods organic.