11 - 0.5 = 10.5
19 +0.5 = 19.5
Therefore, the boundaries of the class 11-19 is 10.5 -19.5
In statistics the class boundaries are numbers that separate classes without forming gaps. To find the lower, you subtract 0.5 and to find the upper, you add 0.5. If the class is 3-7 the lower class boundary would be 2.5 and the upper 7.5. The upper boundary of one class will equal the lower boundary of the next class.
You cannot have a preceding class to the first class. There is no zeroth class.
class boundary is the midpoint between the upper class limit of a class and the lower limit class of the next class sequence when making a class interval starting at the lowest lower limit in the bottom of a table.
class limit. class boundary. class mark. class widh.
loe me
They are the class boundaries.
class boundary is 48.6 class limit is either 48.1 or 49.1
class boundary is 4.4 class limit is either 3.9 or 4.9
1605 + 1219 + 1119 + 1153 = 5,096
To calculate class boundaries, add 0.5 to the lower class limit and subtract 0.5 from the upper class limit of each class interval in a frequency distribution. This creates a buffer zone between the classes to avoid overlap when graphing or analyzing data.
When rounding 1119 to the nearest ten, you look at the digit in the tens place, which is 1. Since this digit is less than 5, you round down. Therefore, 1119 rounded to the nearest ten is 1110.
Aldebrandus was born in 1119.