437,502,601,326,461,590,322,431 pict 0ne to your win good luck to win!!!1
72 82 10 24 86
Winning number for tonight
It is an ordinal value. ----- Here's one way to see this. Suppose you start take birthday 1 January 2000 to be 1, birthday 2 January 2000 to be 2, ... , birthday 31 January 2000 to be 31, then birthday 1 February 2000 to be 32, and so on, number all of the birthdays until today, you will have a number of about 5104. If you need birthdays before 1 January 2000 you could use negative numbers. Clearly these numbers are ordered and form an ordinal scale.
It is 1 - prob(it does not rain today and tomorrow)= 1 - prob(it does not rain today)*prob(it does not rain tomorrow) = 1 - [1- prob(it does rain today)]*[1 - prob(it does rain tomorrow)] = 1 - [1 - 0.8]*[1 - 0.5] = 1 - 0.2*0.5 = 1 - 0.1 = 0.9
0.20 + 0.80*0.80
437,502,601,326,461,590,322,431 pict 0ne to your win good luck to win!!!1
437,502,601,326,461,590,322,431 pict 0ne to your win good luck to win!!!1
808 789 951 753 456 856 986 785
437,502,601,326,461,590,322,431 pict 0ne to your win good luck to win!!!1
The probables of hearing no winning combination for 3D swertries lotto for today 2.5.14.
The probability of hearing no winning combination for the 3D swertries lotto for today 2.5.2014 is 50%.
WikiAnswers can not predict lotto numbers.
the daily chance lottery is not already available.
it will be good 69.78
72 82 10 24 86
look deep in your heart. you know the answers