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The x-axis, which is the dependent variable, and the y-axis, which is the independent variable.

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Q: What are the main components of a graph?
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A minimum cut in a graph is a set of edges that, when removed, disconnects the graph into two separate components. An example of a minimum cut in a graph is shown in the image below: Image of a graph with a set of edges highlighted that, when removed, disconnect the graph into two separate components

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The cartesian plane of space, the x and y axes, the points and lines, and the labels of the axes are the four main components of a graph. Intercepts are another name for vertical and horizontal lines that cross the axes.

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Strongly connected components in a graph are groups of vertices where each vertex can be reached from every other vertex within the same group. These components play a crucial role in understanding the connectivity and structure of a graph. They help identify clusters of closely connected nodes, which can reveal important patterns and relationships within the graph. By identifying strongly connected components, we can better understand the overall connectivity and flow of information in the graph, making it easier to analyze and manipulate the data.

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The 5 components of a good graph are... 1. Independent variable 2. Dependent variable 3. Trend line 4. Graph title 5.To have equal intervals or spaces in-between numbers on a grid

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The time complexity of the Kosaraju algorithm for finding strongly connected components in a directed graph is O(V E), where V is the number of vertices and E is the number of edges in the graph.

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