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all probabilities smaller than the given probability ("at most")

all probabilities larger than the given probability ("at least")

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Q: What atmost means in probability?
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Related questions

What is the difference between atleast and atmost in probability?

The difference between "at least" and "at most" is not restricted to probability. The difference is simply one between the precise meaning of the phrases in every day English language.

Three coins are tossed simultaneously the probability of getting atmost one head?

1/2 or 50% (1/8 prob of 0H + 3/8 prob of 1H)

What is atmost?

At most (2 words) Just means at the most. Ex: At most, inflation will be 3% this year.

What does fair means in probability?

From a probability perspective fair means equal probability.

What are the skills and educational requirements of an interior designer?

you have to atmost live in a cardboard box and get atmost 4 points in your leaving cert

What does and mean in probability?

It means multiply, Probaility of A and B means probability of A multiplied by probability of B.

How do you explore probability?

You can explore probability by means of mathematics.

What does fair mean from a probability perspective?

From a probability perspective fair means equal probability.

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The word that goes to this definition a probability of 0 means the event is?

A probability of 0 means the event is impossible.

What is meant by the term probability?

Probability means - The likelihood that a particular event will occur.

When probability is less then 0 what happen?

Probability can not be less than 0 or greater than 1. A probability of 0 means there is no possibility whatsoever of an event occurring. A probability of 1 means that the event is guaranteed to occur no matter what.