Assuming that each of the nine books is unique, that there are only nine positions open on the given shelf, and that each book can fit in each position, the answer is 9! (nine factorial) which is equal to 362,880. If the nine books are not all unique (i.e. there are two of the same book), the number should decrease taking into effect that reversing the positions of the identical books makes no overall change. If there is one additional position, the number should increase to 10! or 3,628,800. If there is more than one additional position, the number will still increase, but not to 11! or 12! since both open spaces are reversible just like the identical books.
Consider one placement at a time. The first book on the shelf could be any of seven. The second could be any of the remaining six. This continues with the rest. The total combinations are: 7! = 7*6*5*4*3*2*1 = 5040
If it's like this: "There are 4 books in a bag and two of the four are fiction. Jess randomly pulls one out of the bag and replaces it. What is the probability of getting two fiction books?" Then you should do this, 2/4 x 2/4 = 4/16 or 1/4 If it's like this: "There are 4 books in a bag and two of the four are fiction. Jess randomly pulls one out of the bag and doesn't replace it. What is the probability of getting two fiction books?" Then you should do this, 2/4 x 1/3 = 2/12 or 1/6
There is no average: diamonds cost what they cost, because every diamond is individual, unique and one of a kind. As well, every monetary transaction that involves a diamond is also unique -- whether it occurs on a street corner, at a pawn shop, or in a 5th Avenue jewelery store.
Normally this would cost about $350 but at the moment a website that begins with A and ends in N is selling one for $169.98, this is a large saving and should be considered considering the savings.
9 books cost $20.25 9/9 = 1 book costs $20.25/9 = $2.25
Four books would cost twenty rupees.
£66 divided by 12 = £5.50 each.
20.25/9 = $2.25
The No Fear Shakespeare book can be purchased at any local book store. It will cost about $15-$25, depending on if one wishes to have a soft or hard covered book. Hard covered books are more expensive.
The initial cost of joining Rhapsody Book Club is $16.68 which includes of the cost of 5 books plus shipping and handling. One can join through their official website.
Hi, Vijetha Competitions 'LIC assistant' one special book is there cost 229/-.
Each book was 11 units of currency.
The book is "The Cost of Discipleship", one of the most penetrating and insightful books of the 20th century.
One third of 2400 is 800, add this to your 2400 and you get 3200.
breaking dawn the book 1 is Bella book 2 is Jacob and book 3 is Bella again =) awesome book!
The average is 38.67 (rounded to the nearest hundredth)