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ammeter is the meter to measure current its unit is A (Ampere)
and milli means 10 ^ - 3m
for milliammeter unit is mA

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Q: What does a milliammeter measure?
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What instrument is used to measure electric?

A galvanometer or milliammeter.

What instrument is used to measure electric current?

A galvanometer or milliammeter.

Parts and function of Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter?

A meter that can be used to measure multiple ranges of currents and voltages is called a multimeter. A common type of multimetera combination voltmeter, ohmmeter and milliammeteris abbreviated VOM

What are some precautions do you take when using a milliammeter?

1. Use the meter in its rated range. 2. Connect it in series to measure the current.

Name the instrument used to measure electric current?

A multimeter is commonly used to measure electric current. It can measure various electrical parameters like voltage, current, and resistance. The current is typically measured by connecting the multimeter in series with the circuit.

How milliammeter can be used as a voltmeter?

A milliammeter is a sensitive instrument placed in series in a circuit and is calibrated to measures current going through it, and therefore the whole circuit, without presenting enough resistance to affect the current going through it or reducing the voltage available to the rest of the circuit. A voltmeter is a milliammeter used in parallel to the circuit. Since the milliammete has very little resistance, if it is used this way it will present as a short to the rest if the circuit, not give a valid reading, and probably burn out. To use a milliammeter as a voltmeter, a significantly large resistance needs to be placed in series with the milliammeter. If the resistance is large enough, but not too large, it will prevent the meter from being a short, not affect the circuit load but still allow enough current to go through the meter to get a reading. If you want to measure AC (alternating current) you will also have to include a rectifier circuit. To be useful as a voltmeter, the meter will need to be calibrated, a tedious job since the meter responses probably are not linear. Modern multimeters are available that will act as a voltmeter with several range setting. You can get them at any electronic or tool store such as Sears, Harbor Freight, or Radio Shack. Even the cheap 10 dollar ones will do a good job for most purposes although professional models that do so much more and with greater precision can be really expensive.

What precautions must be observed when connecting the milliammeter in the circuits of the experiments?

Ensure the ammeter is set to the correct range for the expected current level to avoid damaging the meter. Connect the ammeter in series in the circuit to measure the current flowing through the circuit accurately. Always disconnect power before connecting or disconnecting the ammeter to prevent electrical hazards.

Which have minimum resistance milliammeter or ammeter?

millivoltmeter has more ressistance.By ohm's law V=IR. if we assume that I is constant then V proportional to R as the millivoltmeter has more voltage as compared to micro-voltmeter , the milli voltmeter has greater resistance

What are the three prts of Volt Ohm Milliammeter?

It depends upon whether it is analogue or digital, as they work in completely different ways, and each will have completely different components. As there are far more than three 'parts' to either type of instrument, you need to rephrase your question and be more specific about what you want to know.

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