Anomalous data is data that doesn't fit with the rest of the set. Ex: In week one the tree was 2ft. tall , in week two the tree was 6ft. tall, and in week three the tree was 5ft. tall. Week two would be the anomalous data because it doesn't fit with the other data. I hope this helps!
it differs becaus eit shows differ amount of data and it gives a differ piont of point of numbers
They help to analyse data samples and therefore compare statistics. Normally all three methods are used as they all contain weaknesses. However the mean is usually the normal statistic used after anomalous results have been removed
In statistics, outliers are values outside the norm relative to the rest of collected data. Many times they can skew the results and distort the interpretation of data. They may or may not indicate anything significant; they might just be an anomalous data point that is not significant. It is difficult to tell.
Its mean incomplete data or the data upon which we can not rely totally.
what do you mean by data handling define mean mode median
Any anomalous data for which there is a clear, external explanation.
Anomalous Data
Data that does not fit with the rest of the data set.
Why do you include an anomalous result in a piece of data
Anomalous data is data that doesn't fit with the rest of the set. Ex: In week one the tree was 2ft. tall , in week two the tree was 6ft. tall, and in week three the tree was 5ft. tall. Week two would be the anomalous data because it doesn't fit with the other data. I hope this helps!
You should exclude the anomalous results when calculating an average.
a piece of data which is different to the others x
Mode,range,anomalous data,percent error,mean,precision,meddian,estimate,accuracy,and maybe significant figures
One that does NOT follow the general trend of data. e.g. 1,2,3,4, 8. Eight(8) would be a anomalous value.
An Outlier; an Outlier is when a point is not part of a trend (pattern)
it differs becaus eit shows differ amount of data and it gives a differ piont of point of numbers