Mint status
the different of status rank
Yes, marital status is nominal data.
Rank refers to a specific position within an organization, e.g., Professor, Assistant Professor, Firefighter, Battalion Chief, Secretary, Human Resources Director. Status is a separate attribute, most often defined by the specific institution; e.g., tenured, part-time, sabbatical, on-call, per specific shift, per longevity step, etc.
Contextual factors are characteristics of the environment that are related to the effectiveness of a collaboration. Found the information here:
contextual tools
Contextual reading refers to the practice of interpreting a text by considering the surrounding information that may influence its meaning. This includes understanding the historical background, cultural references, and author’s intentions. By taking into account these contextual factors, readers can have a deeper understanding of the text and its significance.
definition of a word or symbol by explaining the meaning of the phraseor statement in which it occurs.
Contextual perspective is a specific view of human development. In contextual perspective, a person is seen as one and the same as the social context.
Contextual means to view information as a whole- both the facts and where they came from. Example: A technique for determing meaning from unfamiliar vocabulary words is to look at the other words in the sentence for clues. It is commonly referred to as "using contextual clues."
Understanding the contextual factors is important when analyzing a situation. The meaning of a word can change depending on its contextual use in a sentence.
A contextual statement provide general information on a given subject.
Antonym, Synonym, Inference and definition are the different types of contextual.
Contextual tabs and menus appear when an object is selected.
This may be one of these words:connotation/denotation - the contextual meaning/ the literal meaning
The multi contextual approach is to view one problem from a number of contexts.