to find the mean of a set of numbers you have to find the total sum of the data divided by the number of addends in the data.
Convert it.
hey u can choose any number from the frequency to find the assumed mean suppose u have 8 frequencies u can assume 4 as the mean
Add all the numbers and divide it by however many numbers you added, then that's how you get the missing number to help you complete the mean.
Mean, median and mode are ways to find averages. The mode is the most common answer in a set of data. The median the number that is in the middle when the numbers are put in order. The mean is the statical average.
Only if you were asked to find the mean to the nearest tenth. If so, don't round each number; calculate the mean first and then round it to the nearest tenth.
It means to round the number to one place to the right of the decimal point. For example, 5.73702 rounded to the nearest tenth is 5.7
When we describe numbers to the nearest tenth, we describe them in terms of units of ten. Take the number 145. Here, the unit of ten is the 'forty' (145). In the number 372, the unit of ten is the seventy (372).To round a number to the nearest tenth, what one has to do is look at the 'units' part of the number- that is the digit at the end of the number. In our examples, these units are 5 and 2 respectively. (145 and 372)If this unit number is 4 or below, we don't round up the number in the tens column. If the unit number is 5 or above, we round up the number in the tens column. So, our examples to the nearest ten are 150 and 370. I've put some more examples below;13276 to the nearest ten is 1328024 to the nearest ten is 2047253849 to the nearest ten is 47253850
314 is already at the nearest tenth. If you mean the nearest ten, then it is 310.
20. Or, if you mean ''22,883'', then the answer would be 22,880.
I t is rounding to one decimal place.
A number with one digit after (to the right of) the decimal point is said to have one decimal place. The number can also be said to be rounded to the nearest tenth.