This statement means that you need to justify the choice of your selection. For example, if you choose a specific type of variable i.e., nominal, interval, etc. You need to show proof as to how you can statistically justify why you choose this particular variable. How can you justify the outcome of this type of variable chosen.
Disruptive selection, also known as diversifying selection.
As it applies to insurance, the adverse selection problem is the trndency for:
When would random sampling not be the best approach to sample selection
lWhat are the advantages of ranking as a method of final choice over random selection?
John D Rockefeller
Vindicate = to justify To clear of all charges, accusations or blame.
What do you mean by 'justify' in the question?
You probably mean "Justify" for MS Word.
Selection is the act of choosing.
To explain why your answer is correct.
"If coefficient of correlation, "r" between two variables is zero, does it mean that there is no relationship between the variables? Justify your answer".
to show a satisfactory reason for something done
Stabilizing selection is the mode of selection that can lead to a reduction in variation without changing the mean of a trait. In this type of selection, extreme phenotypes are selected against, while intermediate phenotypes are favored, resulting in a narrower range of phenotypic variation but maintaining the same mean.
Explain. I have never seen the term selection used.
This type of natural selection is called stabilizing selection because the mean traits of the population are being selected for against the immediate environment.