"Scratch a lie, find a thief" is an idiom that suggests that if you investigate or question someone's dishonesty or deceit, you are likely to uncover further wrongdoing or dishonest behavior. The act of scratching at the surface of a lie reveals the truth hidden beneath, just as uncovering a thief's actions can lead to discovering additional criminal behavior. Essentially, this phrase implies that deceit often leads to further deception or misconduct being exposed.
Well, darling, "scratch a lie, find a thief" is just a fancy way of saying that dishonesty tends to reveal more deceit. Basically, if you start digging into someone's dishonesty, you're likely to uncover even more shady behavior. So, keep your wits about you and don't be surprised if a little fib leads you down a rabbit hole of deception.
Well, isn't that just a lovely saying? It means that if you dig a little deeper into a dishonest situation, you'll likely uncover more deceit. It's a gentle reminder to always strive for honesty and transparency in all that we do. Just like when we paint, adding layers of truth and authenticity creates a beautiful masterpiece.
The 68-95-99.7 rule states that in a normally distributed set of data, approximately 68% of all observations lie within one standard deviation either side of the mean, 95% lie within two standard deviations and 99.7% lie within three standard deviations.Or looking at it cumulatively:0.15% of the data lie below the mean minus three standard deviations2.5% of the data lie below the mean minus two standard deviations16% of the data lie below the mean minus one standard deviation50 % of the data lie below the mean84 % of the data lie below the mean plus one standard deviation97.5% of the data lie below the mean plus two standard deviations99.85% of the data lie below the mean plus three standard deviationsA normally distributed set of data with mean 100 and standard deviation of 20 means that a score of 140 lies two standard deviations above the mean. Hence approximately 97.5% of all observations are less than 140.
outstanding, usually in the sense of outstanding mistake or outstanding lie
35% of values lie below the 35th percentile. The median (middle value) is the 50th percentile, 50% lie below it and 50% above.
You can. For example, you can be 100% certain that the value when you roll a die will lie between 1 and 6. Or that the mean of 100 rolls will lie between 1 and 6. It is simply that a 100% CI has little use.
There are two points of infection (the points where the curvature changes its direction) which lie at a distance of one standard deviation above mean and one standard deviation below mean.
It means that someone who will lie will more than likely steal also, and if you look inside a liar, you'll find a thief.
NO! that is a granite marketing lie. Coffee mugs and plates will scratch it.
skulk - to lie or keep in hiding, as for some evil reason: The thief skulked in the shadows.
lie as in told a lie
If you mean 'Lie to me' the answer is unfortunately 'yes'.
(il / elle) lie (from verb lier, to tie up)> he / she ties [something] up la lie (feminine noun) - this is the particles that you may find in wine, tending to precipitate when the wine is still.
if you mean lie as in tell a lie, its "ljuga" or "lögn", where 'lögn' is the substantive and 'ljuga' is the verb.
A thief may not be considered a credible witness due to their criminal background and potential motives to lie or manipulate the truth. Their credibility could be called into question during legal proceedings.
he is cheating on you
to lie about it
To lie
everyone fears to cover a lie