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Statistical significance refers to when a statistical assessment of observations reveals a pattern rather than random chance. In simpler terms it means when well observing or recording a set of data you recognize that somethings happens all or most of the time rather than by random.

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Q: What does statistical significance refer to?
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There is no statistical significance in the result.

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look for a paper being published in "The Oncologist" later this year (2008)

To what statistical quantity does the term sigma refer?

standard deviation

What is a Alpha Value?

The level of significance; that is the probability that a statistical test will give a false positive error.

Is statistical significance below or above 0.05?

If the outcome is below or equal to 0.05, then it is statistically significant; above is not.

To decide whether observed differences between samples reflect actual differences between?

statistical significance

What is meant by the term normalize?

Normalize may refer to the term in mathematical logic or theoretical computer science, it may refer to statistical technique for making two distributions identical. It may also be removing statistical errors from measured data pieces.

What is the difference between statistical significance versus practical significance?

Statistical significance means that you are sure that the statistic is reliable. It is very possible that whatever you conclusion or finding is, it may not be important or it not have any decision-making utility. For example, my diet program has a 1 oz weight loss per month and I can show that is statistically significant. Do you really want a diet like that? It is not practically significant

How is z score and p value related?

The z-score is a statistical test of significance to help you determine if you should accept or reject the null-hypothesis; whereas the p-value gives you the probability that you were wrong to reject the null-hypothesis. (The null-hypothesis proposes that NO statistical significance exists in a set of observations).

How does standard deviation of 0 affect statistical significance?

Standard deviation of 0 can only be attained if all observations are identical. That is, the variable in question has just one possible value so statistical considerations are irrelevant.