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In Statistics and Mathematical Epidemiology the term Relative Risk refers to the risk of an occurrence ( or evolving disease) associated to being unprotected. Relative Risk is a rate of the likelihood of the occurrence happening in the exposed group compared to the non-exposed group.

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Q: What does the term relative risk refer to?
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The relative risk of a proposed project is best accounted for by?

The relative risk of a proposed project is best accounted for by

With a blood alcohol level at 15 percent the relative risk of causing a collision is greater by nearly?

whith a blood alcohol level at .15%, the relative risk of causing a collision is greater by mearly?

What is the difference between incidence rate ratio and relative risk ratio?

Incidence rate and relative risk are two different measurements used in epidemiology to study illness/disease in specified populations.Incidence rate refers to the number of new cases of a condition in a defined (specified) group or population. It is often expressed as a ratio. For example, if there are 1000 people and 14 of them develop a condition, the incidence rate is 14 per 1000 or 1.4%Relative risk is a measurement that indicates probability of cause. In other words, how likely is it that a place, person or agent is responsible for causing disease/illness.Before you can calculate relative risk, you must first calculate an attack rate on different groups. An attack rate refers to the number of people exposed to an illness compaired to those who actually became sick. To calculate the attack rate, you divide the number of people ill by those who were exposed, and then multiply by 100.To then calculate the relative risk, you divide the attack rate of those sick by the attack rate of those who are not sick.The closer the relative risk is to 1.0, the less likely it is the cause of disease.The higher the relative risk, the more likely it is that it is the cause of disease.

The terms frequent likely occasional seldom and unlikely used in the risk assessment matrix refer to the level of?

The probability of an adverse event occurring is what words like frequency, likely, occasional, seldom, and unlikely refer to in the risk assessment matrix.

What does the term vital statistics refer to in statistics?

Births and Deaths

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These terms are commonly used in the risk assessment matrix and refer to the levels of risk. Catastrophic is the highest level of risk while negligible risk is the lowest level.

What is a relative adjective?

The term "relative adjective" can refer to the "relative pronouns" that introduce adjective clauses. These are who/whom, whoever/whomever, whose, that, and which (and in some circumstances when, where, or what). For example, the adjective clause in "That is the car that I saw."

Difference in Relative risk and risk ratio?

There is no difference between the two. Relative risk is the same as relative ratio. Commonly abbreviated as RR, relative risk/ratio is measure of absolute risk in one population as a proportion of absolute risk in another. It is a measure of the strength of association.

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The relative risk of a proposed project is best accounted for by

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An impulse refers to the change in momentum of an object, while an impulsive force is a relative term, used to refer a relatively large amount of force applied on a small object. Take into account relative force is relative.

What is the difference between absolute zero and relative zero?

The term "absolute zero" is used for the minimal possible temperature (-273 K). The term "relative zero" is not a term I know, but it could refer to the difference between two velocities, which are equal. In Physics, independent observers do not observe a velocity of the other if they are moving at the same speed (relative zero). <Feb 18, 2014 - Bruno>

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Is pike a relative to the sturgeon?

No I believe it was relative to the term spear.