Yes because it gives a representation of all the data! <3
A histogram is "a representation of a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies.Broken distribution means that no data point falls in that class.
A histogram is used to analyze a distribution of data. It look like a graph and can be used in many formats - the most popular may be in Photography, showing the distribution of shadows and light in a visual representation.
Data is information that is interpreted by a collection (Representation) of explanatory words or symbols. A simple explanation is a 60mph sign at the side of the road. The figure 60 is the data while the sign embossed with 60 is the representation informing you of that which you need to know. Traffic lights are a representation that tells you by the data of different colours what you you need to know. @ is a representation of the data "at"
frequency distribution contain qualitative data
The data values with the highest frequency, gives the peak of the distribution graph.
A probability density function.
A histogram is used when data is condensed into a frequency table. It displays the frequency of data within fixed intervals or bins, providing a visual representation of the distribution of the data.
Yes, that is the purpose of a graph. It gives you a visual representation of data and you can see how it changed over time.
What is the visual representation of worksheet data?
Yes because it gives a representation of all the data! <3
A standard distribution regards 95% of all data being within 2-standard deviations of either side. Similarly, within one standard deviation either way is 68% of all data. This creates a bell curve distribution. An abnormal distribution would be erratic and not follow such a statistical structure of representation.
A histogram is "a representation of a frequency distribution by means of rectangles whose widths represent class intervals and whose areas are proportional to the corresponding frequencies.Broken distribution means that no data point falls in that class.
The term for a visual representation of data is a data visualization.
a graphic representation of process performance data tracked overtime.and it is also the best continuous data.
bar graph
A histogram is used to analyze a distribution of data. It look like a graph and can be used in many formats - the most popular may be in Photography, showing the distribution of shadows and light in a visual representation.