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Line charts. This is one of my midterm questions for this week hah .

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Q: What graphs are most effective at displaying data that change continuously?
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What graphs are most effective at displaying data that changes over time?

Line graphs are meant for rate that change over time so go with that

Which two graphs are suitable for displaying categorical data?

bar graph

Why are graphs helpful for displaying data?

They help you identify patterns in the data.

What kind of graph is used to compare data that does not change continuously?

If the data does not change continuously, it is called discrete data, and is commonly compared by use of a bar chart.Technical note: please note the use of the word chart, graph is commonly misused in a mathematical sense like this. A graph, mathematically, is a series/group of nodes that represent information and are connected by lines/edges that represent a link to other information. Bar graphs, line graphs, histogram graphs, bubble graphs, area graphs etc, are all technically chartsnot graphs. For more info see the link below on graph theory.

What are the benefits of circle graphs?

They are quite good at displaying how parts relate to the whole.

How does displaying data in tables or graphs help us identify pattern?

Tables and graphs allow data to be more easily understood visually.

How effective are graphs?

They can be very effective if you use them in the right way.

What type of graph is suited to show change over time?

Line graphs are used to display data or information that changes continuously over time. Line graphs allow us to see overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time.By contrast, bar graphs emphasize the magnitude of changes, so they are an excellent way to demonstrate data with sharp fluctuations, but not continuously over time.

Is this calculator capable of displaying graphs?

The Casio FX65 Scientific Calculator has a single-line display that can not display graphs, nor does this calculator possess specific graphing functions.

What are bar graphs best at displaying?

They are best for showing sets of data that just have an amount. This usually happens with a survey.

Which type of graph is best for showing the change in data over time?

Line graphs are used to display data or information that changes continuously over time. Line graphs allow us to see overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time.By contrast, bar graphs emphasize the magnitude of changes, so they are an excellent way to demonstrate data with sharp fluctuations, but not continuously over time.

Why do bar graphs have to start at zero but line graphs do not?

line graphs show a change over time