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The Cabinet

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Q: What group is chosen by the president for their experience in selected areas?
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What are Advantages and disadvantages in multistage sampling?

Advantages are: 1. Fewer investigators are needed 2. It is not so costly to obtain a sample Disadvantages are: 1. There is the possibility of bias if, for example, only if a small number of regions are selected 2.The method is not truly random as once the final sampling areas have been selected the rest of the population cannot be in the sample. If the population is heterogeneous, the areas chosen should reflect the full range of the diversity. Otherwise, choosing some areas and excluding others (even if it is done randomly) will result in a biased sample.

What is a example of cluster sampling?

Cluster sampling is a scheme which is used when sampling from the whole population would be too expensive - in terms of time or money. The sample space is divided into clusters, a random sample of clusters is selected and then every member of the population within the selected clusters is studied.For example, suppose you wanted to collect information from schools across a country and had calculated that a 5% sample was required. Rather than criss-crossing the country, you could divide the country into units: for example counties. You then select counties (your clusters) so that they cover 5% of the nation's schools. Visit each chosen county and sample all schools in it. The selection of counties would probably also need to be controlled so that urban and rural areas are properly represented.

What are the two major areas of statistics?

The two areas of statistics are descriptive and inferential.

Name two areas where probability is used?

name two area where probability is used

Do areas within a continuous probability distribution represent probabilities?


Related questions

What group is chosen by the president for the experience in selected areas?

The Cabinet

What group is chosen by the president based on experience?

The Cabinet members are chosen for their expertise in specific areas. They must be approved by the Congress. Recently, "czars" have been appointed bu the president.They need no congressional approval.

What has the author A Brun written?

A. Brun has written: 'Atlas of selected areas'

What are Advantages and disadvantages in multistage sampling?

Advantages are: 1. Fewer investigators are needed 2. It is not so costly to obtain a sample Disadvantages are: 1. There is the possibility of bias if, for example, only if a small number of regions are selected 2.The method is not truly random as once the final sampling areas have been selected the rest of the population cannot be in the sample. If the population is heterogeneous, the areas chosen should reflect the full range of the diversity. Otherwise, choosing some areas and excluding others (even if it is done randomly) will result in a biased sample.

What areas that experience anticyclone?

areas around the equatorial region.

How layouts are made for settlements?

areas are selected for industrial use areas are set aside for residential purposes road network

Areas of competence?

'Areas of competence' means whatever things you are good at, or have experience in.

What areas would experience the most weathering?

Areas with high levels of precipitation and temperature fluctuations, such as tropical regions or coastal areas, typically experience more significant weathering due to the combination of mechanical and chemical processes. Additionally, areas with frequent freeze-thaw cycles or high levels of vegetation and organic material can also experience increased weathering.

What is the Presidential Cabinet?

They are the President's advisers in different areas.

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which of the following states still has large areas of wilderness where you could go to experience a natural environment?

Does it snow in countries that speak spanish?

Yes. Many mountainous areas experience snow, in addition to other areas.

Where can borders be added in a worksheet?

Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.Where, in the sense of what part can have borders, can be said to be anywhere. You can have borders around all cells or selected areas. Where in the sense of where you can do it from, you can do it from the Format menu and then picking Cells and Border. You can also do it through the Formatting toolbar.