There are 1000 metres in one kilometre. Therefore, 37 metres is equal to 37/1000 = 0.037 kilometres.
10km/h are about 6.2miles per hour. It's like fast walking or slow jogging.
howitzer is a class of gun with many different variants you need to be more specific. but the max range of a M777 howitzer is 30.1 km (rap assisted).
I solve this problem in two steps: Step 1: How much space does one pea take up? Step 2: How much space does 1 trillion peas take up? 1) How much space does one pea take up? I will assume one pea would occupy a square area 5 mm by 5 mm, which equals 25 mm2. 2) A trillion peas, requires me to use scientific notation, 1 trillion = 10^12. So our trillion peas takes up 25 *1012 mm2. Now 1 m = 1000 mm, so 1 m2 = 10^6 mm2, and 1 km = 1000 m, so 1 km2 = 10^6 m2, so 10^12 mm2 = 1 km2. Now, 25 * 1012 mm (1 km2/1012 mm2) = 25 km2 is the area on earth that one trillion peas would cover. Remember: One thousand = 103, One million = 106, one billion = 109, one trillion = 1012 Also, when you find a problem that seems too big to solve, try finding a small problem to solve, which will help you to solve the bigger one.
355/113 is a better approximation. In fact, if you assume the earth is exactly 6371 Km in radius (says google... and a perfect sphere) using 355/113 would put your measurement of the earth off by only 3.4 METERS from the true value. 355/113 is the best simple approximation for everyday use. the suns total volume would be off by 10% of an earth volume
12800 km = 7953.6 miles (approx)
12.8 km
0.4 km
12 800 m = 12.8 kmTo convert from m to km, divide by 1000.
Still 2666
To round 2.1 km to the nearest meter, you first need to convert kilometers to meters. Since 1 km is equal to 1000 meters, 2.1 km is equal to 2100 meters. To round to the nearest meter, you look at the digit in the units place - in this case, it's 0. Since 0-4 rounds down and 5-9 rounds up, 2100 meters rounded to the nearest meter is 2100 meters.
The answer is 296km2
It depends on the units for 20.72. 20.72 metres, rounded to the nearest tenth km is 0.0 km.
21 km squared
143,000 km