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The median.

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Q: What is a good measure of central tendency if a data set contains extreme values that may be the result of incorrect measurement?
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Which of the following measures of central tendency can be used at any level of measurement?


What measures of central tendency can be used at any level of measurement?

Of corse it is a rectangle prism.

What is the only measurement of central tendency that need not be unique?

The mode need not be unique. Furthermore, it may not exist.

Advantages of measures of central tendency?

Benefits of Central Tendency

What are the merits and demerits of the measures of central tendency?

easures of central tendency

Why is it being called central tendency?

It is called central tendency because it represents the averages. Central tendency has three measurements: # Mean # Mode # Median

What are the importances of Central Tendency?

Central tendency is important because it is used to calculate an average on a collection of data. Central Tendency includes the mean, median, and mode.

What does the word central tendency mean in math?

"Central tendency" is a phrase comprising TWO words, it is not a word. Central tendency refers to the tendency of some data sets to collect around their middle value.

How do you find an average from the measures of central tendency?

One of the measures of central tendency IS the average, also known as mean. You can't calculate the average from other measures of central tendency.

What are the benefits of measures of central tendency Explain with an example?

"What are the benefits of measures of central tendency? Explain with an example

What are the advantages and disadvantages of measures of central tendency?

One advantage to using central tendency is the fact that is represents all data. A disadvantage to using central tendency is the fact that extremes can skew the data.

Which statements accurately describes the measures of central tendency?

"Measures of central tendency are statistical measures." is an accurate statement.