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Q: What is an example of a primary source of data?
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A firsthand report or eyewitness account is an example of what type of data source?


Is a survey a primary source?

Yes, The data collected in a survey is a primary source, and conclusions based on that data would be a secondary source.

Is internet a primary source?

The internet can be a primary source if the information comes directly from an original or firsthand account or data. For example, a research study published on a reputable website would be considered a primary source. However, if the information is a secondary source, such as a news article summarizing a study, then it would not be considered a primary source.

What item is a example of a primary source apex?

A letter is a primary source.

How different the primary source of data on secondary source?

Primary source data is when a person is actually on the scene taking random examples and questions whereas secondary source data is taken from newspapers, magazines, hearsay, Internet ..... etc

What is the difference between primary source of data and secondary source of data?

Secondary = finding existing info Primary = creating, researching this new info

Most likely to be important to know if you were interpreting the meaning of a primary source document?

Understanding the historical context of the document, the author's perspective and bias, and the intended audience are important factors to consider when interpreting a primary source document. Additionally, analyzing the purpose of the document and any underlying messages or subtext can provide valuable insights into its meaning.

Why is the Mayflower Compact an example of a primary source?

it is a primary source because it wasnt real

What is the difference between primary and secondary?

Primary would be the first of whatever you're talking about, and secondary would be the second or the once-removed whatever it is. For example, a primary source of research would be something like a diary or letter, which would be a first-line information source - a secondary source would be a textbook reporting about what the person described in the letter or diary.

Uses of primary data sources?

primary data sources is where YOU yourself have collected the data and it is not someone else's. For example a questionnaire created by you and handed out to the specific people, is a primary source. You can then use them to prove a certain hypothesis and explain a situation. Hope that has helped wrong just by looking at it, it is wrong don't use this!!!

Is census data a primary source?

Yes, census data is considered a primary source of information. It is gathered directly from individuals and households through surveys or other methods and provides original data for research and analysis.

What is the difference primary and secondary research?

primary research is based on primary data while secondary research based on data already collected before by another person. example : many covernments conduct a census ( primary research ) , this information is collated by government statisticians an than become a valuable source of secondary research data for other organisations