It means that it is written in a way that can be understood only by those who possess the keys of that code.
An F in statistics is typically a grade. This F means that you are failing or have failed the course.
It means the sum total.
When referring to statistics, variable means that numbers change and can go up and down. If something is constant, numbers remain unchanged.
n-1 means take the sample size and subtract 1 from it.
The two main branches of statistics is Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
i means that you have indicated...
Differing from standard deviations, the coded deviation method finds the mean of grouped data from the assumed mean using unit deviations. This is a shorter way to find the mean.
An F in statistics is typically a grade. This F means that you are failing or have failed the course.
yes it does.
statistics means numerical facts systematically collected and statistic means, scientific matter or technique of statistical analysis.
Coded means the 2% of protein which transfer from reading code mRNA (transcription) from a DNA and uncoded is the rest 98% which still in the form of gene (DNA).
PCM means Pulse Coded Modulatuion its one of the modulation technics.
"Deciphered" means to convert encoded or secret information into a clear and understandable form. It is the process of interpreting or decoding a message that was originally in a coded or cryptic format.
limitations of statistics are as follows: 1. Statistics does not deal with an individual 2.It is not suitable to the study of qualitative phenomenon 3.Statistical relations are not exact 4.Statistics is liable to be misused 5.Statistics is only a means
enigmatic writing/cryptic writing /coded writing
Some national statistics can be reliable is they have been adjusted. The World Health Organization adjusts their statistics so that their statistics are reliable.
I think it means you can't scan you have to type the code in, i think thats right!