Molecular Data: Information such as DNA sequences, levels of genetic expression, biomarkers and protein structure and function that are key to modern cancer research, diagnosis and treatment.
Single data
getting data
Ungrouped data is data that is not grouped in a specific order. Grouped data is a set of data that has unique characteristics in common.
The definition of statistics is the science of conducting studies to collect, organize, summarize, analyze and draw conclusions from data.
The answer is generally no. I note there is no hard and fast definition of the field of statistics. The definition of the field or discipline of statistics is not to reduce the number of values in the set of collected data. An objective of statistics is to characterize or add meaning to the collected data, through calculated values of the data. In this sense, statistics summarizes the data.
stored data.
Single data
getting data
molecular weight cut off
Molecular is defined as something of, related to, or consisting of molecules. Another definition of molecular is something of or related to a basic form or structure.
A data base is a collection of data.
it tells the temperature (or molecular movement) it is the same thing
it is measurements
Phylogeny is discovered using molecular sequencing data and morphological data matrices.
It is a pool of data through which data are enter into into the table for data management.
the difference of greatest data value minus least data value = data range