Most of the time they are used alternatively as many people even the expert one's don't know the difference.
Standard Allowed Minutes means Time (in minutes) that is assigned to a specific operation after doing time study or using PDMTS.
Standard Minute Value means the Cost Factor that is multiplied with SAM to get the Cost/Minute of the operation.
For Example:
Operation Name: Registration of Customer Complaint
SAM: 1.3 Minutes
SMV: 0.10 Cents
Cost/Minute: 13 Cents
The probability is (51.5-51.25)/(52-50) = 0.25/2 = 0.125
5256000 minutes.
10 years is about 5,259,600 minutes.
150,000 minutes = 104.2 days.
There are 7358400 minutes in 14 years.
A polo is about 6.5 minutes at 85% efficiency.
The time difference between IST (Indian Standard Time) and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is 5 hours and 30 minutes. IST is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT.
Nepal Time (UTC+5.75) is 15 minutes ahead of India Standard Time (UTC+5.5).
the standard allowed minutes for the 5 pkt jeans is 12 to 17 minutes based on the skill of the operators and the types of specialized machines used Dhan
The difference in time between 8AM and 4.20PM is eight hours 20 minutes.
The difference is 53 seconds.
The time difference between 1:30 AM and 9:15 AM is 7 hours and 45 minutes.
29 minutes
8 hours 49 minutes
4.15 hours is 4 hours and 9 minutes. 3.85 hours is 3 hours and 51 minutes. The difference is 24 minutes.
Standard Allowed Time is computed from Live Time Study or Standard Data Analysis (SPD) Standard Allowed Minutes (SAMs) is calculated as follows: Total Raw Cycle Time / # valid Operation Cycles = Average Time (minutes) Average Time x Leveling Factor = Normal Time (minutes) Normal Time + P. F. & D. = Standard Allowed Time (minutes) Cycle time is the time it takes for one complete unit for that operation Operation cycles are valid if their value is within 1 standard deviation of the Average Time. Leveling Factor is determined by the engineer for the worker being observed (not calculated when using Standard Data Analysis P. F. & D. is Personal Fatigue and Delay a percentage added to compensate for normal working conditions and the specific operation. Personal is typical at 5% added to the Normal Time.
The time difference between 7:38 am and 2:13 pm is 6 hours and 35 minutes.