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Favoritism is when preferential treatment is given to one person over another. In this case it would be one relative over another. For example, one person may display favoritism by inviting one family member to a birthday party and not another. It is often called nepotism.

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Q: What is favoritism shown to a relative?
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What is the word that means favoritism toward a relative?

Nepotism is the word that means favoritism toward a relative. It refers to the practice of showing preference to family members, often in hiring or promoting decisions.

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No favoritism was shown to them. they remained ordinary Levites.

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"Bar graph" is the word for the relative frequencies shown by heights.

What is family favortitism?

This is also known as nepotism. Many companies have a nepotism policy in place to prevent a relative from reporting directly to a family member. This is to help avoid favoritism or perceived favoritism (i.e. better, or even potential worse treatment of the family member) by the supervisor.

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Are you talking about a histogram of the relative frequency distribution.

Relative frequencies shown by heights?

Bar graph

What are relative frequencies shown by heights?

bar graph

What is the meaning of nepotism?

Undue attachment to relations; favoritism shown to members of one's family; bestowal of patronage in consideration of relationship, rather than of merit or of legal claim.

What are the relative frequencies shown by heights called?

Bar Graph

How do you use the word Favoritism in a sentence?

The manager's favoritism towards certain employees was obvious to everyone in the office.

Is favoritism legal?

Yes, unless the favoritism extends to a point in which one child suffers actual physical or mental harm.