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Q: What is it called when a sample doesn't represent the population being polled?
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What do you call the selection of people from the population being polled?

The sample.The sample.The sample.The sample.

A researcher polled 230 freshmen at a university and found 110 of them were enrolled in a history class Estimate the probability that a randomly selected freshman is enrolled in a history class?

About 48% or if you want to be more accurate the actual answer was 47.826%

If a survey shows that 1120 out of 1800 people polled prefer to drink Coca-Cola how many degrees should this section of a pie graph be round to the nearest degree?

224 degrees1120/1800 = .622222360 degrees in a circle multiplied by .622222 gives you the answer

What are the advantages of a small confidence interval in statistics?

The smaller the confidence interval, the more certain you are of the answers. Remember confidence level and confidence interval (margin of error) are 2 separate things. So if you are using an industry standard confidence level of 95% and 5% margin of error in a standard statistical table, then you could say, for example, with 95% certainty that 60% of those polled would vote for John McCain. Another way of saying this is even though you did not poll everyone (if you did, it would then become a very expensive census), you can say with a high degree of certainty (95% certainty) that 55% to 65% of those polled will vote for Johnny (sadly).

What are the 2 branches of statistics?

The Branches of StatisticsTwo branches, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, comprise the field of statistics.Descriptive StatisticsCONCEPT The branch of statistics that focuses on collecting, summarizing, and presenting a set of data.EXAMPLES The average age of citizens who voted for the winning candidate in the last presidential election, the average length of all books about statistics, the variation in the weight of 100 boxes of cereal selected from a factory's production line.INTERPRETATION You are most likely to be familiar with this branch of statistics, because many examples arise in everyday life. Descriptive statistics forms the basis for analysis and discussion in such diverse fields as securities trading, the social sciences, government, the health sciences, and professional sports. A general familiarity and widespread availability of descriptive methods in many calculating devices and business software can often make using this branch of statistics seem deceptively easy. (Chapters 2 and 3 warn you of the common pitfalls of using descriptive methods.)Inferential StatisticsCONCEPT The branch of statistics that analyzes sample data to draw conclusions about a population.EXAMPLE A survey that sampled 2,001 full-or part-time workers ages 50 to 70, conducted by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), discovered that 70% of those polled planned to work past the traditional mid-60s retirement age. By using methods discussed in Section 6.4, this statistic could be used to draw conclusions about the population of all workers ages 50 to 70.INTERPRETATION When you use inferential statistics, you start with a hypothesis and look to see whether the data are consistent with that hypothesis. Inferential statistical methods can be easily misapplied or misconstrued, and many inferential methods require the use of a calculator or computer. (A full explanation of common inferential methods appears in Chapters 6 through 9.)

Related questions

What do you call the selection of people population being polled?

the sample

What do we call the selection of people from the population being polled?

a sample

Do we call the selection of people from the population being polled?

a sample

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What do is call the selection of people from the most population being polled?

A sample

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What has a polled bull had cut off?

A polled bull (or cow) is an animal that was bred to not develop horns. However, a bull that developed horns but then had them cut off (called dehorning) may also be mistakenly referred to as a polled bull.

What do you call the selection of people from the population being polled?

The sample.The sample.The sample.The sample.

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The best polls take a random sample from the population being polled. What does that mean?

every person in the population has the same chance of being selected.

What is an animalnaturally hornless called?

Naturally hornless animals or livestock are called polled livestock. Polled livestock can also be in reference to livestock that have been breed to be hornless. Mulley is a slang term for hornless animals and livestock.

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