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the value approach the true value

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Q: What is most probable value?
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What is a number occuring most frequently in a set of numbers?

The most probable value in a set of numbers is the mode.

What is most probable value in survey?

For a single observation, the answer is the mean. But for more than one observation it will depend on the attribute that is being studied. For example, if looking for the oldest person in groups of people, the survey result will tend towards the maximum. More realistic examples might be a survey of fossils to find the oldest and so date the rocks in which they are found.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word probable?

more probable most probable

What is the difference between observed most probable and true value of a quantity?

The difference between the observed and the true value is the error. The most probable value depends on how it is defined and calculated. The maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) is often used but there are situations where it is not the most probable. For example, you are in a town where the bus routes are numbered sequentially. You want to know how many routes there are and so you observe the route numbers on a sample of buses. The MLE is the largest number that you observe but, in reality, there is no mechanism that will ensure that the bus with the largest route number is in your sample.

How do you find the most probable speed?

V_mp (most probable speed) = sqrt(2KT/m) where K is the Boltzmann constant

What STD is most probable?


What is the most probable ion formed from Li?

The only probable ion to form from Lithium is the Li+ ion.

What is the maximum value that probability can have?

1 (It means that the event is 100% probable or certain.)

What is the most probable junction in transistor maintenance circuits and is it base or base and collector or emitter and collector?

Most probable junction in transister is base emiter

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Most probable cause: Replace Gas Cap Most probable cause: Replace Gas Cap

What properties tells the most about stability of a metal?

You think probable to electronegativity.

Which electronegativity value is the most probable for a metalloid?

A metalloid's electronegativity value is typically in the range of 1.8 to 2.2 on the Pauling scale. This places metalloids like boron, silicon, and germanium between the electronegativity values of metals and nonmetals.