Because t-score isn't as accurate as z-score, you should use 40 as a safety sample size, rather than 30 as you would for a z-score.
T-scores and z-scores measure the deviation from normal. The normal for T-score is 50 with standard deviation of 10. if the score on t-score is more than 50, it means that the person scored above normal (average), and vise versa. The normal for Z-score is 0. If Z-score is above 0, then it means that person scored above normal (average), and vise versa.
Because as the sample size increases the Student's t-distribution approaches the standard normal.
A high z-score (or t-score, depending on what info you've been given for the data) means that a number is very far away from the mean (average) number. This number might be an outlier.
It approaches a normal distribution.
Z scores are used for standardized testing done by most school districts. It is the most common way of standardizing data. IQ scores can be standardized using z scores. The mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 15. You use the t score when the sample is small, <30 often. Many behavior ratings use t scores.
A safety
T-scores and z-scores measure the deviation from normal. The normal for T-score is 50 with standard deviation of 10. if the score on t-score is more than 50, it means that the person scored above normal (average), and vise versa. The normal for Z-score is 0. If Z-score is above 0, then it means that person scored above normal (average), and vise versa.
The letter T is worth 1 point.
T-score is used when you don't have the population standard deviation and must use the sample standard deviation as a substitute.
you get a touchdown. Or you get a field goal or a safety.
A score
Because as the sample size increases the Student's t-distribution approaches the standard normal.
Safety was not a concern at that time. I can really think of no safety feature on the Model T Ford. Not one.
touchdown, field goal, or safety
The game is over.
If we are testing a hypothesis about the population mean , if none of the conditions of using a z-score or the conditions for using a t-score are met, we may use a proper non-parametric test.
If one team scores a Safety and that is the only score in the game, then they win 2-0.