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Normal Distribution is a key to Statistics.

It is a limiting case of Binomial and Poisson distribution also.

Central limit theorem converts random variable to normal random variable.

Also central limit theorem tells us whether data items from a sample space lies in an interval at 1%, 5%, 10% siginificane level.

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Q: What is the Test for normal distribution?
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What is Normal of probability distribution?

with mean and standard deviation . Once standardized, , the test statistic follows Standard Normal Probability Distribution.

What is the difference between t test and z test?

Whereas a t-test is used for n30, where n=sample size. n < 30 or n > 30 is not entirely arbitrary; it is intended to indicate that n must be sufficiently large to use the normal distribution. In some cases, n must be greater than 50. Note, both the t-test and the z-test can only be used if the distribution from which the sample is being drawn is a normal distribution. A z-test can be used even if the distribution is not normal (but is not severely skewed) if n>30, in which case, we can safely assume that the distribution is normal.

What distribution does the F distribution approach as the sample size increases?

The F distribution is used to test whether two population variances are the same. The sampled populations must follow the normal distribution. Therefore, as the sample size increases, the F distribution approaches the normal distribution.

Why is the normal curve significant?

Your question makes no sense. Significant is a word related to tests. The normal curve is a distribution, not a test.

What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

What is the sampling distribution of sample means and why is it useful?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

When is the Chi Square Test used?

To test how well observations agree with some expected distribution. The latter is often non-parametric so that tests based on the Gaussian (Normal) distribution are not appropriate.

What is the difference between a normal distribution and the standard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

What is the difference of a normal distribution and a stardard normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is a special case of the normal distribution. The standard normal has mean 0 and variance 1.

Is continuous distribution normal distribution?

le standard normal distribution is a normal distribution who has mean 0 and variance 1

When doing a t-test what does normal distributed in population mean?

It means that the random variable of interest is Normally distributed and so the t-distribution is an appropriate distribution for the test rather than just an approximation.