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class width is a width width is a width nothing as class width is a width dont be confuse

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Q: What is the class width of the class interval 4-15?
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What is the class width of the class interval 15-20?


What does the width of each bar in a histogram corresponds to?

The class interval.

What happens to the width of the confidence interval when you are unable to get a large sample size?

The width of the confidence interval increases.

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What is class width?

Class width, from statistics, is the difference between the two boundaries of a class. A class is an interval that includes all of the values in a (quantitative) data set that fall within two numbers, the lower and upper limits of the class. Finally, a class boundary is the midpoint of the upper limit of one class and the lower limit of the next class.

The width of a confidence interval is equal to twice the value of the margin of error?

No. The width of the confidence interval depends on the confidence level. The width of the confidence interval increases as the degree of confidence demanded from the statistical test increases.

What is a modal class interval?

It is the class interval with most number of observations.

What is the definition of class interval?


How do you use class interval in a sentence?

The term class interval is used in statistics.

How can you get the frequency of the preceding class interval when the modal class is the first class interval?

You cannot have a preceding class to the first class. There is no zeroth class.

What is class interval size?

The class interval for each interval is the difference between its upper limit and its lower limit.

What happens to the width of the confidence interval if you decrease the confidence level?

The width reduces.