Cp is the capability of a process and Cpk is the actual capability of a part running in the process. The only way Cp = Cpk is if the process mean is exactly centered which is seldom the case in manufacturing. Therefore, Cp > or = to Cpk.
Calculationa) Standard Deviation (s) is calculated as follows:√∑(X - Xi)2n-1For bilateral tolerances:i) Capability Index (Cp) = USL - LSL / 6sii) Performance Index or Centering of Process (CmK) =Minimum of USL- X or X - LSL3s 3sFor single sided tolerances:i) Performance Index or Centering of Process (CpK) =a) Find out minimum observed value from the data values.b) Find out Z = X - Minimum Observed Valuesc) Corresponding to the arrived value of 'Z' above, choose the value of 'k' from Table given in Annexure-I.d) Find out CmK = USL - X or X - LSLks ksas the case may be.USL for runout, roundness, surface finish etc.LSL for Min. HardnessM.Ananthakrishnan
There is no direct relationship between control limits and specification limits. By saying that I mean that one measure has no effect on the other. However, the comparison of these two ranges can tell you a lot about your ability to meet specification. These terms are most often used, and are thus easiest to explain, in terms of manufacturing a part. Let us assume that we need to cut a piece of metal bar to a length of one inch. Specification limits tell us what variance is acceptable, either to us or our customer, when we produce the said part. The request for such a part would be accompanied by tolerances and might look something like 1.00" +/- 0.005". This means a part that is between 0.995" and 1.005" in length would be considered acceptable. The two acceptable extremes just cited would be our spec limits. Subtracting one from the other we arrive at a spec width of 0.010". Now, control limits are strictly a function of the natural variation of the process in question and are calculated using the measured standard deviation of that process. If the control limits fall inside the spec width, let us say we have an LCL of 0.998" and an UCL of 1.002" for our example, then we have process that is very capable of producing in spec parts almost every time. However, if the control limits fall outside the spec limits, maybe 0.990" and 1.010", then the natural variation present in our process causes us to make many parts that will not fall within the required specification. In other words, the process is not capable. The question about the relationship between spec limits and control limits really comes down to a question about process capability. This was just the briefest of intros to the subject. I suggest further reading (or googling) on the subject of capability (Cp &Cpk).
Cpk = Cp (Process Capability) + p (katayori) Japanese for deviation. Cpk = Deviation of process capability
CPK means creatine phosphokinase. It's sometimes abbreviated CK. CPK testing is often used to evaluate chest pain.
The tube for CPK (creatine phosphokinase) isoenzymes is typically red or gold, depending on the laboratory.
CPK is an enzyme called creatine kinase. It is mostly found in the heart, brain and muscle tissues. When there is trauma or damage to those tissues the enzyme is released into the bloodstream where it shows up as an elevated CPK on bloodwork. CPK is often elevated after a heavy workout or any type of crushing injury. The CPK is often elevated soon after a heart attack. Some muscle degenerating diseases also can be detected by a constantly high CPK level. It is up to your physician to determine the significance of the result. CPK can further be broken down into specific sub-enzymes called iso-enzymes. One is heart specific, one is muscle specific and so on. So if a CPK level is elevated and the cause is not known, testing for iso-enzymes can indicate what body tissue the CPK is coming from.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (CPK) is $663,357,115.20.
When the total CPK level is very high, it usually means there has been injury or stress to muscle tissue, the heart, or the brain. Muscle tissue injury is most likely. When a muscle is damaged, CPK leaks into the bloodstream.
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) is typically collected in a red-top tube for serum or a green-top tube for plasma.
When the total CPK level is very high, it usually means there has been injury or stress to muscle tissue, the heart, or the brain. Muscle tissue injury is most likely. When a muscle is damaged, CPK leaks into the bloodstream.
It's cpk