There are a number of ways to describe a research design. For example, a study may be either quantitative or qualitative, depending on the type of data that is collected and the degree of mathematical rigor to which it is subjected. A qualitative study generally consists of literature surveys and experience surveys. A literature survey is simply a search through available journals, newspapers, magazines, documents and other publications. This is usually a good place to begin your research. After all, if someone has already researched your question then it doesn't make sense to reinvent the wheel. The experience survey is comprised of interviews of people who are experienced in the area that you are researching. These types of interviews are generally informal and unstructured, but researchers often develop a set of questions to use as a guide. It is to your advantage to keep the interviews unstructured in order to allow the expert to elaborate their ideas and opinions. It's likely that this type of interview will generate more questions than answers. Quantitative studies provide numerical data that is used to describe your research topic. If you are conducting marketing research, you might be asked to describe characteristics of typical users of a product. Some quantitative data that you might consider collecting include age, sex and level of education. Other examples of quantitative data include the percentage of people who can recognize your logo. For other examples of quantitative research data that is used in marketing, please visit
Qualitative research is a Field of inquiring applicable to many disciplines and subject mater.
- Qualitative researchers aim to gather in depth understanding of human behavior
- aQualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making.
Quantitative methods are research techniques that are used to gather quantitative data.
Quantitative analysis can be measured as how many , how long and how much etc.
for example, Height weight
Date of birth is Qualitative, but age is Quantitative.
qualitative = how good something is quantitative= how much of it there is
Date of birth is Qualitative, but age is Quantitative.
PH is a number, so it is quantitative.
Qualitative QualitativeInfluencing and negotiatingQualitative and Quantitative Qualitative and QuantitativeQualitative and QuantitativeQualitativefalse Quantitative Skillsqualitative Qualitative Qualitative Qualitative 5qualitative qualitativeAll of the aboveNo/FALSE
It is quantitative because it is numerical
what is the difference between qualitative and quantitative