Six Sigma can be understood/perceived at three levels:
Six Sigma is a methodology that provides businesses with the tools to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation leads to defect reduction and vast improvement in profits, employee morale and quality of product.
Six Sigma is a rigorous and a systematic methodology that utilizes information (management by facts) and statistical analysis to measure and improve a company's operational performance, practices and systems by identifying and preventing 'defects' in manufacturing and service-related processes in order to anticipate and exceed expectations of all stakeholders to accomplish effectiveness.
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CMMI or Six Sigma: Does It Matter Which Comes First?Bookmark This Page email This Page Format for Printing Cite This Article Submit an Article Read More Articles Related Tools & Articles
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Discussion Forum "How can we integrate CMMI with Six Sigma? At which level of CMMI maturity would Six Sigma be most appropriate for integration? Should we implement CMMI first then follow by Six Sigma or otherwise? Is Six Sigma duplicating CMMI processes...?"
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y Karl D. Williams
An organization is getting into process improvement. Should it look at the Software Engineering Institute's capability maturity model integration (CMMI) first? Six Sigma first? Or both at the same time?
This dilemma has confronted many organizations during the last several years. The situation reminds me of a session at a symposium in 1984 at which both W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran were present at the symposium. Someone from the audience asked, "Should we follow Deming's teachings or those of Juran?" Deming, in his inimitable, gruff voice responded, "Pick either…just do something."
While the same question could arise about the use of CMMI or Six Sigma, there have been some interesting case studies during the last few years surrounding the order of choice. Since I have spent 80 percent of my time during the last 15 years with SEI CMMI and its predecessor, the SW-CMM®, one would expect a bias in favor the CMM/CMMI. However, I have personally been associated with three case studies demonstrating the benefits of looking at Six Sigma first…at least a little bit first.
All three scenarios involved organizations that were well into the Six Sigma expansion. There were Black Belts, Green Belts and Champions trained. All staff had some form of Six Sigma orientation, at least a four-hour overview.
The three organizations were:
All had made significant inroads into Six Sigma's DMAIC roadmap before they ventured into the SEI CMM/CMMI world. Each was introduced to the CMMI via training and consulting. After about two months, a "mini-assessment" (Class C appraisal) was held. The results across the board were significantly different than the usual initial appraisal. A significant number of processes were already documented and used, as opposed to the usual blank stares when procedures/templates are requested during an appraisal. All three had results more typical of a second or third round of appraisals than the normal results. Especially noticeable was the difference in the quantitative-based process areas (e.g., measurement and analysis at maturity level 2 and the maturity levels 4 and 5 process areas covering quantitative process management and formal continuous improvement). In most initial Class C appraisals, no one bothers to look at maturity levels 4 and 5 process areas, sometimes not even maturity level 3. In all three cases, plans called for reviewing only maturity levels 2 and 3. As the appraisals progressed, the results were so startling that the maturity levels 4 and 5 also were investigated.
In each of the three cases, the following areas are presented for summary comparison:
Case 1 ResultsThe above results are phenomenal for first-time Class C appraisals. Upon further investigation, all stakeholders agreed that the Six Sigma tools and mindset had contributed greatly to such unparalleled results. Also documented were such shared characteristics as:
More interestingly, all three of these case studies involved organizations whose Six Sigma training and focus had been strictly DMAIC. All three believe that their CMMI results as well as the organizational measurements would have been significantly better if their Six Sigma training had included the concepts in Design for Six Sigma, with more focus on understanding requirements and performance drivers versus the DMAIC fix-and-improve approach.
I am still a devout CMMI advocate. It is unmatched at providing the "whats" of process improvement and design. However, I am encouraged and impressed by the three cases investigated demonstrating the horsepower gained from a Six Sigma approach and mindset. I suspect that Drs. Deming and Juran would be pleased to see the gains they enabled via the tools and cultures of quality.
About the Author: Karl D. Williams is a principal consultant. He has trained more than 17,000 people in CMM, CMMI, Six Sigma and software skills. Mr. Willaims was a director at Motorola and, more recently, was a senior vice president of process design for Bank of America. He is a Master Black Belt, an SEI-authorized CMMI trainer and lead assessor. He has published more than 70 articles and authored a book entitled Continuous Improvement & Reengineering…A Better Way.
Six Sigma mean reduce variation and it is one of the core parts for determining the quality and the best result of a business product or service. In short, by using six sigma a business could filter its own lacunas and improvise its service or product. For that, a six sigma expert is required who can manage six sigma work in proper way.
Six Sigma is the basis on top.
the term six sigma is a strategy that is used by business organisations to improve the quality of goods produced by identifying and removing defects. It is based on the statistical term Standard deviation (mathematically represented as sigma). Basically, Six sigma says that if one has six sigmas between mean of the process and the closest specification limit, then the chance for a defective item or good produced is very minimal.
what is eoor 2% at 2 sigma
The purpose of Six Sigma is to improve the quality of outputs by identifying and removing any defects or errors in a process. Six Sigma strives to improve quality within an organization which strives for perfection.
What are the CMMI,ISO9001:200 and SIX SIGMA? what are the uses with these?
3 Sigma is 66800 defects per million pieces 6 Sigma is 3-4 defects per million pieces You can check out the number of defective pieces per million & the % accuracy for all Sigma levels in the six sigma conversion chart in the related links section
1 Sigma is 690000 defects per million pieces 2 Sigma is 308000 defects per million pieces You can check out the number of defective pieces per million & the % accuracy for all Sigma levels in the six sigma conversion chart in the related links section
One can register for a Six Sigma course on the official Six Sigma website itself. One could also contact Six Sigma and ask for information about registering for a Six Sigma course.
Six Sigma is the foundation based on which Lean concepts are created. So, learning the basics of Six Sigma first before you venture into Lean Six Sigma would be a good idea
Six sigma is a management technique, procedure, and assessment.
There is no real correlation, however a six sigma is more advanced and it is mostly used for businesses. You can still use any other software but six sigma are usually installed by computer technican due to its advances.
Six sigma is a management technique, procedure, and assessment.
Key Highlights of Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
lean six sigma is?
Six sigma blackbelt