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A cumulative frequency polygon has straight lines connecting the points. A normal cumulative frequency diagram uses a smooth curve to join the points.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: What is the difference between a cummulative frequency graph and a cumulative frequency polygon?
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What is the difference between the words cumulative and cummulative?

Cummulative is a misspelling. The word should be spelled cumulative.

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What is difference between a less than cumulative frequency with a greater than cumulative frequency?

The first is more commonly used and, in a usual graph, goes from bottom left to top right. The second goes from top left to bottom right. Both are equally valid.

What is the relationship between relative frequency and cumulative frequency?

frequency plot - number of counts relative frequency - number of counts/ total counts cumulative frequency - number of counts that are cumulatively summed cumulative relative frequency that are cumulatively summed. Examples: Let y = accidents per day for one week, and x = days of the week (1 to 7) y = (0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 5,1) for X = 1, 2, ... 7 frequency counts y = (0,0, 0.1,0.2,0.1, 0.5, 0.1) relative frequency y = (0,0,1,3,4,9,10) = cumulative frequency y = (0, 0, 0.1,0.3,0,0.4,0.9,1) cumulative relative frequency

What is the difference between a periodic sentence and a cummulative sentence?

A periodic sentence contains a period at the end of the sentence, while a cummulative sentence contains several commas, as the latin word cummus translated into comma in 800 A.D

What is the difference between the words pitch and frequency?

Frequency has a 'Q' in it.

What is the difference between a comprehensive exam and cumulative exam?

Cumulative is formed by the addition of new material of the same kind. Comprehensive is covering completely or broadly.

What does a cumulative frequency graph show?

It shows the correlation presented between the frequency something was brought ( or what ever it is that is being measured,) and compare this to how much/ often this was sold, made, etc.

What is the difference between continuous and cumulative?

Continuous refers to measurements that can take any value, possibly between two limits. Cumulative usually refers to a count "up to and including" the current value.

What does a cumulative frequency histogram show?

it shows the realtive distinction between a varied set of data. the bars show wight, not height

Difference between frequency management and channel assignment?

differenve between frequency management and channel assignement