The related link in section 2.4.1 has a good explanation of error which is: "Error is defined as the difference between an individual result and the true value".
Accept lower p-values (meaning lower in magnitude; values tending toward zero).--And don't forget that by reducing the probability of getting a type I error, you increase the probability of getting a type II error (inverse relationship).
i have been told that this is raceist word
means that your a lozer
An experimental error is is
A theoretical error is an error that is not quite proven, which means that it is also arguably not an error.
A common slang word for an error is "blunder" or "screw-up."
There is no word "loce" in English. It might be a typo or an error.
An adjective meaning free from error could be flawless or perfect.
The root word for erroneous is 'err', meaning to make a mistake or an error.
"Coullisant" is not a French word. It may be a misspelling or an error. Could you provide more context or check the spelling to help determine its meaning?
The inherent word of God is the Bible. Christians believe that the Bible is inherent meaning it is true and not capable of error.
Mis- is a three-letter prefix meaning an error or mistake.
Yes, peccable means to be liable to sin or error. Impeccable meaning the opposite.
It means you have detected a typographical error and the word should have read "malcontent" the meaning for which you can discover in your dictionary