There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.
There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.
There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.
There can be no sensible box-and-whiskers plot for just one number - no matter how large it is.
Min- the lowest value Q1- the median number between the actual median and the min Median- the "middle" number in the dataset Q3- the median number between the actual median and the max Max- the highest value
yes median is the middle number of the group and mean is the avergage number of the group put together
It is 524.5, which is the number halfway between them.
The box and whisker plot informs you of the 5 number summary, which comprises of the minimum and maximum, the median, and the first and third quartiles. The minumum and maximum give you the range, which is not given by measures of central tendancy. also, if it a modified box and whisker plot, outliers will be marked separatley from the rest of the plot, outliers are also not included in the measures of center.
You add the two numbers in the middle of your range and then you divide them by two, or just find the number that is halfway between the two numbers, and you then have your median.
Min- the lowest value Q1- the median number between the actual median and the min Median- the "middle" number in the dataset Q3- the median number between the actual median and the max Max- the highest value
The median is a single number. If there are an even number of observations so that there are two "middle" numbers, then the median is the arithmetic average of the two (their sum divided by 2).
Box and whisker plots are based on medians. The first step is to rewrite the data in order, from smallest length to largest. Then find the median of all numbers. The next step is to find the lower median... according to your data. Next, you find the upper median. Now you are ready to construct the actual box and whisker graph. First, draw an ordinary number line that extends far enough to include all of the numbers in your data. Then, locate the main median using a vertical line just above your number line. When you locate your lower and upper median, you place smaller vertical lines on top of those. Next, draw a box, using the lower and upper median lines as endpoints. Finally, the whiskers extend out to the data's smallest number and to the largest number. This is a box and whisker plot.A box and whisker plot is used to display a set of data so that you can easily see where most of the numbers are.Here is an example and a picture of a box and whisker plot!By: a 7th grade Algebra 1 student
A box and whisker plot mainly shows the mean (average), range, or median (middle number). The mode is the number that shows up the most. I--------l___l__l--------I That's kinda what it looks like. The two far ends represent the range.
28.5 is the median, as it is the middle number when they are listed in order.
It is the number halfway between them or the number got when you add them and divide by 2. So for 7 and 10, the number 8.5 is the median.
It is 503.5
The median of 861 and 875 is the number halfway between them. That is 868.
the median is number in the middle and range is the difference between the greatest and least number and the mode is the number that repeats the most
a box and whisker plot showing the median number
263.5 is the median, being the number halfway between the two numbers.
The median is the middle number, so 5.5 in this case.