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Q: What is the percentage of Americans who choose an unhealthy snack over a healthy snack?
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What percentage of customers choose to pawn an item instead of selling it?


What is meant by a random sample?

When you choose something at random... like if you have 2 blue socks and 1 white sock what sock are you more likey to choose...... blue

What is the value of the binomial coefficient for 500 choose 100?


What does the word select mean?

To choose one of a series of options.

Briefly explain the procedure for determining the sample size in marketing research?

If you're running a survey or a test, how many responses do you need for your data to be "statistically valid?" It's often a difficult goal to achieve, but without valid data, you can't trust your test results.When you're determining the statistical validity of your data, there are four criteria to consider.1. Population: The reach or total number of people to whom you want to apply the data.2. Probability or percentage: The percentage of people you expect to respond to your survey or campaign.3. Confidence: How confident you need to be that your data is accurate. Expressed as a percentage, the typical value is 95% or 0.95.4. Margin of Error or Confidence Interval: The amount of sway or potential error you will accept. It's the "+/-" value you see in media polls. The smaller the percentage, the larger your sample size will need to be.For example, if 45% of your survey respondees choose a particular answer and you have a 5% (+/- 5) margin of error, then you can assume that 40%-50% of the entire population will choose the same answer.Armed with these basic concepts, you can use the Sample Size Calculator and Confidence Interval Calculator at Survey System.In addition, this post on Marketing Profs clearly outlines how to decide whether your sample size is statistically valid. Wade Nelson did an excellent job of explaining the process and even included a link to another free sample size calculator.

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Would you choose a healthy heart or a unhealthy heart?

i would choose a healthy heart because having an unhealthy heart will give you cancer heart disease you will die lots of bad things can happen to you but when you have a good heart you will be in great shape you will be able to do things people who have unhealthy hearts wish they could do!!!!!! that's why a healthy heart is the best decision to make!!

How do you say your options can be healthy or unhealthy in Spanish?

Sus opciones pueden ser entre "saludable" y "no saludable" is how that would literally translate, but if you are telling people that they can choose between being healthy/unhealthy, then you would say. "Usted puede escoger si quiere ser saludable o no saludable."

Can you buy unhealthy food from a Supermarket?

Of course. Supermarkets sell whatever people will buy - it's up to you to choose healthy food instead of junk food.

Why do people choose to eat unhealthy?

People choos to eat un-healthy because,the un-healthy food often tastes better than the healthy foods. The un-healthy foods include chocolate, cake, ice cream, soda, candy, fast food, hot dogs and pizza. Unhealthy food is usually cheaper than healthier food. Additionally, the high salt, fat, and sugar content that makes many foods unhealthy also makes them addictive.

Is burger a healthy or an unhealthy food?

This debate of healthy vs. unhealthy depends upon the type of meat used in the burger. If the burger is a lean turkey burger the meal will be healthier than a fatter cut. Same goes to beef with lean cuts. Also, the toppings can add unhealthy calories. When choosing a bun, one should choose a multitude of whole grains in place of a white, sesame seed bun.

What does ABC stand for in 10 dietary guidelines for Americans?

A: AIM for fitness B: BUILD a healthy base C: CHOOSE sensibly

Why do people choose unhealthy things that taste bad over healthy things that taste good that are the same price?

Perhaps marketing. Also a pervasive belief that nutritious food does not taste good.

Why do you think some people choose unhealthy behaviors?

Because they have a choice.

How do you assist children to develop healthy attitudes towards food?

To help children develop healthy attitudes toward food, start when they are young and beginning to form their attitudes. Provide and help them to choose healthy foods. Don't give them lots of junk foods or take them to unhealthy restaurants like fast food restaurants. Give them fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other healthy foods for snacks.

How good do Americans live?

That depends on the decisions they make. Some Americans choose good lives and some Americans choose bad lives.

When a product claims to be effective because it is a new secret remedy that cures quickly it is probably A proven B magical C effective D worthless E healthy F unhealthy Choose any that apply?

It is probably a scam.

Who is at fault for obesity the fast food industry or individuals?

Individuals are at fault. people can choose to eat unhealthy and not exercise and that is why they are overweight others choose to eat healthy foods and exercise daily and that is why they are healthy. It isn't the governments fault people are obese but the individuals themselves they have to choice but they choose to make stupid ones that make them at risk of some many different disease and becoming obese. stop making stupid choices and make the right ones eat and live healthier lives!