Please indicate what poem is being discussed when you resubmit your question.
There are two regression lines if there are two variables - one line for the regression of the first variable on the second and another line for the regression of the second variable on the first. If there are n variables you can have n*(n-1) regression lines. With the least squares method, the first of two line focuses on the vertical distance between the points and the regression line whereas the second focuses on the horizontal distances.
Lines don't have endpoints, they extend indefinitely. Two line segments with a common endpoint form an angle.
It is important to know terminology when learning math. The Vertex is the point where two lines meet and form and angle.
pay money and I'll tell you
In the poem "A Time to Talk," the poet tells us that his friend is always "leisure" and "complete," suggesting that he is relaxed and content in his demeanor. The poet also describes his friend as the kind of person who does not look at his watch when conversing with others, indicating a sense of presence and attentiveness.
yes he did as the last two lines of the poem suggest
There are two syllables in the word "poet."
What poetic device is used in that firts two lines?
A "clerihew is a poem with 4 lines,about a person,first two lines rhyme,second two lines rhyme,and they are funny.
From the first two verses of the poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth, we learn that the poet is wandering lonely as a cloud in nature when he comes across a beautiful sight of daffodils beside a lake. The poet is mesmerized and inspired by the beauty and tranquility of the scene, which fills his heart with joy and elevates his spirits.
You pass another line through both of them and measure the angles. If the first two lines form the same angle with the third line, the first two are parallel.
Africa and South America have the most obvious fit of coastlines, suggesting that they were once joined together as part of the supercontinent called Pangaea.
Do you mean the first two lines in the sheet music, or the first two lines that rhyme? If you're asking about the actual music, it's "Crack that whip, give your past the slip Step on a crack, break your mama's back"
TRUE:: The first two lines lie in the same plain, but are perpendicular to each other. The third line passes through the plane of the first two lines so it is also perpendicular. Think 3-dimension. !!!!!
An alliteration poem can have any number of lines, as long as there is a consistent use of alliteration in each line. Some alliteration poems may have a few lines or several stanzas, depending on the poet's preference and the overall structure of the poem.