It is pretty close to 0. It is estimated as the number of people in the NFL divided by the total population of the world!
The experimental probability is figured out when a person goes through the trouble of actually trying it out. Theoretical probability is when a person comes to a conclusion of what is most likely, based off of the experiment results.
100% going to occur.
A mathematician or a statistician.
The probability of at least 1 match is equivalent to 1 minus the probability of there being no matches. The first person's birthday can fall on any day without a match, so the probability of no matches in a group of 1 is 365/365 = 1. The second person's birthday must also fall on a free day, the probability of which is 364/365 The probability of the third person also falling on a free day is 363/365, which we must multiply by the probability of the second person's birthday being free as this must also happen. So for a group of 3 the probability of no clashes is (363*364)/(365*365). Continuing this way, the probability of no matches in a group of 41 is (365*364*363*...326*325)/36541 This can also be written 365!/(324!*36541) Which comes to 0.09685... Therefore the probability of at least one match is 1 - 0.09685 = 0.9032 So the probability of at least one match is roughly 90%
1- P(identical) - P(fraternal) =1-0.004-0.023 =0.973 The probability of being a identical or fraternal twin plus the probability of not being a twin has to add to 1. so 1- probability of being twins=probability of not being a twin ;-)
1 out of 100
Theoretical probability is what should occur (what you think is going to occur) and experimental probability is what really occurs when you conduct an experiment.
Subjective probability is defined as a person's own judgment of what is or is not going to happen, which does not consist of any kind of mathematical or calculated basis. One situation in which subjective probability would be a factor would be in the stock market. If a person felt that a certain stock would plummet and just had a feeling about it, and sold that stock away, that decision would have been based on subjective probability.
The mathematical probability is 0.
The experimental probability is figured out when a person goes through the trouble of actually trying it out. Theoretical probability is when a person comes to a conclusion of what is most likely, based off of the experiment results.
See the Basic Rules for Probability section in the related link.
yes he will go to the NFL
Since we don't know you or how well you play the question can not be answered. One statistical fact is only 1% of all players play for the NFL.
+person who invented probability
probability of undefeated: 0 out of a billion........................... probability of super bowl win: 1 out of a billion.............................
Lots of NFL players make the NFL right out of High School.
Yes, Tim Tebow is in the NFL currently.