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the probability is very small

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Q: What is the probability of getting pregnant with birth control and a condom?
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Not on birth control if you use a condom?

The only "birth control" that works 100 percent is Abstinence. But a condom will help prevent it, without a condom you have a low percent of not getting pregnant.

Is there a change of getting pregnant while being on birth control and no condom used?

of course. the birth control pill is very effective if taken correctly. there is always room for human error, so yes there is a chance of getting pregnant while being on birth control and no condom use.

What are the chances of getting pregnant when on the pill but use no condom?

If you have been on birth control for over a month then you are protected against pregnancy.

Can you be pregnant if you used a condom and your not on birth control?

yes because the condom could break

How can you trick him into getting you pregnant?

Put a hole in condom.

What are your chances of getting pregnant with a split condom?


Do you need to use a condom if on birth control?

Absolutely YES! Birth control pills only protect you from getting pregnant. Condoms, while not foolproof, will protect you from STDs.

If you are on birth control and dont use a condom can you get pregnant?

If you take your pill everyday without missing any pills you are 99.5% protected from getting pregnant, but the pill has no protection from STI's.

What are the chances of a fourteen getting another fourteen year old pregnant on first try?

There's a 25-75 chance favoring that you would not get her pregnant. You could use a condom and not get her pregnant, or you don't use a condom and you have a chance at getting her pregnant.

Can you get pregnant if your on birth control and using a spermicidal condom?

It is always possible when having sex - the chances of getting pregnant with the two types of BC you are using together is very, very tiny.

What are the chances of you getting pregnant if your boyfriend is a heavy smoker drinker and pothead?

The same as anyone else's. If you do not wish to become pregnant always use a condom and/or a reliable form of birth control.