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If we assume that the use of the definite article in the question implies that there is only one such card, the answer is 1/52.

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Q: What is the probability of pulling the right card from a deck of cards?
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26 of 52 because there are 52 cards in deck and half of them are red and the other half is black so half of 52 is 26 so there is a probability of pulling a red card 26 out of 52 cards.

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The probability of the card being BETWEEN 8 and K is 4/13.

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The probability of pulling a four of diamonds from a standard deck of playing cards with the jokers removed is 1:52, the same as pulling any other individual card from the deck.

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The answer depends on whether or not the card is being pulled at random and also form what set of cards.

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Assuming a pack consists of 52 cards as per normal. Initially half the cards are red. Probability that the first card drawn is red = 1/2. Now there are 25 red cards left out of 51 remaining cards. Probability that the second card drawn is red = 25/51. Probability that both cards drawn are red therfore = 1/2 * 25/51 = 25/102

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It is 4/52 = 1/13.

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There are 3 face cards in a suit of 13 cards, so the probability is = 3/13.

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number of queen card = 4 number of cards in a deck of cards = 52 Probability of getting a queen card = 4/52 or 1/13

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Well, if you include the jokers, you have 52 cards total. There are four suits, so that's four "5" cards in the deck, which gives you a 4 in 52 (or 2 in 21, simplified) probability. Each suit has 13 cards, so you have a 13 in 52 chance of pulling a card of any particular suit (13 is a prime number, and can't be simplified).

What is the probability of pulling a queen out of a shuffled card deck?

There is a 1 (one) in 13 (thirteen) chance that you will pull out a queen from a deck of 52 (fifty-two) cards.

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What is the probability of pulling out one card and it being between an 8 and a king?

The probability is 4/13.