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I just watched a video about this the end of the century the odds that an asteroid wipes out millions is 1/20,000. They are trying to find ways to prevent a collision, however.

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Q: What is the probability that a huge asteroid will hit us?
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How do theoretical probability and experimental probability relate?

Take for example, flipping a coin. Theoretically, if I flip it, there is a 50% chance that I flip a head and a a 50% chance that I flip a tail. That would lead us to believe that out of 100 flips, there should theoretically be 50 heads and 50 tails. But if you actually try this out, this may not be the case. What you actually get, say 46 heads and 54 tails, is the experimental probability. Thus, experimental probability differs from theoretical probability by the actual results. Where theoretical probability cannot change, experimental probability can.

You roll a pair of dice until you get doubles What is the probability that you get doubles in three or fewer rolls?

! So first of all we need to calculate the probability of the base event, that is to get a pair when rolling 2 dice. This is quite simple and we can see it in 2 ways. a) We throw the first dice, regardless of what it comes up as, we have 1 in 6 chanses that the second dice matches it i.e probability = 1/6 b) There are 6*6 possible out comes when rolling two dice. Out of those we can get pair of 1s, pair of 2s , pair of 3s, pair of 4s, pair of 5s or pair of 6s. That is 6 pairs out of 36 total = 1/6 probability. Now about making a sequence of throws. The probability of us making the pair in the first throw is as the basic event = 1/6. If we make it we dont continue and have reached our goal! If we dont get a pair (proability 1-1/6 = 5/6) we continue and make our second throw. Again we have a 1/6 chanse, so in total that we make it in exactly the 2nd throws is 5/6 (miss)*1/6 (hit) = 5/36. If we dont make it , we continue again. Now our chance in making it in exactly the 3rd time is 5/6 (miss)*5/6 (miss again) *1/6 (hit) = 25/216. So the probability of making a pair in three or fewer rolls is the sum of the above, so 1/6 + 5/36 + 25/216 = 91/216 = 0.42 (roughly) Another way when you have established the probability of a single action to find how many repeats you need is to use the Binomial or Poisson distribution (look it up). Best Regards

What is the probability that 4 randomly selected people all have different birthdays?

Let us assume that there are exactly 365 days in a year and that birthdays are uniformly randomly distributed across those days. First, what is the probability that 2 randomly selected people have different birthdays? The second person's birthday can be any day except the first person's, so the probability is 364/365. What is the probability that 3 people will all have different birthdays? We already know that there is a 364/365 chance that the first two will have different birthdays. The third person must have a birthday that is different from the first two: the probability of this happening is 363/365. We need to multiply the probabilities since the events are independent; the answer for 3 people is thus 364/365 × 363/365. You should now be able to solve it for 4 people.

What is the probability of picking a jack or a black three in one pick from a deck of cards?

Well there are six possibilities, the four jacks and the two black threes. This gives us a fraction of 6/52 which is a percentage of 11.54%

A coin is tossed and then a dice is rolled Find the probability of getting a 5 on the dice given that the coin landed tails up?

1/6 because there are six sides to a dice and we already know the coin landed tails up so that takes that equation out of the picture. otherwise we would be left with figuring the probability of the coin and the dice, but since the question tells us that the coin landed tails up the answer will then be 1/6

Related questions

Where would an asteroid hit in the US?

No telling. It could hit anywhere.

Did an asteroid hit the US?

Historically, an asteroid that struck the Earth 65 million years ago is one theory for the extinction of the dinosaurs, but that hit in Yucatan (Mexico).

How do you deal with an asteroid?

You don't. If a large enough asteroid is going to hit us that will destroy life on earth there is nothing that can be done. Hollywood story's to the contrary.

Is a big asteroid more harmful than a small one?

No asteroid is at all harmful to us or to Earth unless our planet and the Asteroid draw unusually close together. If that were to happen, then yes, you'd have to say that for a close encounter of any given distance, the probability of unpleasant results would vary roughly in proportion to the asteroid's physical size.

What is 1 of the greatest benefits of meteorology?

Know when a giant asteroid will hit us... in 2 years mark your calendar.

How might the occultation of a star by an asteroid tell us weather the asteroid has an atmosohere?

If there is an atmosphere, the light will gradually dim as the asteroid approaches the asteroid.

What are the methods to avoid collision of asteroid of 50metres with earth?

You cannot "avoid" a collision; if the asteroid is headed this way, it will hit. They aren't steerable. Give us another 50 years or so, and perhaps we would be able to prevent it.

Asteroid headed towards U.S.?

There is one known asteroid which has some slight probability of colliding with the Earth. (There are no doubt many things on a collision course with Earth of which we are blissfully unaware.) This asteroid is called Apophis. It is a space rock which will pass close to Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029. Apophis will not hit the Earth on that pass, but the worry is that there will be some gravitational perturbation that might cause Apophis to come closer than expected on Friday, April 13, 2037. Current calculations indicate that the chance of a collision is about one chance in 40,000. There are other rocks in space that will occasionally come close. Someday, one of them will hit us. We don't know when.

Is it true that in 10 years or so an asteroid will hit earth?

Well if you were watching the discovery channel 2 years ago it said that a scientist looked up into space and saw a asteroid heading our way and he predicted it will hit us in 10 years or so if that is true we only have 8 years until it hits. Oh I forgot it also said this asteroid looked bigger than Jupiter.

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cold air because we didn't have any sun hitting down on us. we did when the asteroid hit the earth.

When is the next asteroid due to hit?

An asteroid called apophis has a very high chance to hit the Earth in 2036.

Is the earth goining to end?

At one point in time, definitely. many of us would think that if the asteroid is going to hit our earth, then it will be the end. Yes it would be the end of us, but our earth may still live on. (like with the dinosaurs).